- 所在单位:食品科技学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 周光宏,丁世杰,徐幸莲.培养肉的研究进展与挑战,中国食品学报,2020,20(5):1-11(第一及通讯作者)
- 朱宗帅,方芮,黄明,魏云计,周光宏.Oxidation combined with Maillard reaction induced free and protein-bound N-epsilon-carboxymethyllysine and N-epsilon-carboxyethyllysine formation during braised chicken processing,FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN WELLNESS,2020,9(4):383-393(参与作者)
- 赵迪,徐雅静,顾天悦,王怀洋,殷燕涛,盛布雷,李玉婷,粘颖群,王聪,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏.Peptidomic Investigation of the Interplay between Enzymatic Tenderization and the Digestibility of Beef Semimembranosus Proteins,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,68(4):1136-1146(参与作者)
- 张莉,王鹏,杨宗韫,杜菲菲,李震,吴长玲,方艾虎,徐幸莲,周光宏.Molecular dynamics simulation exploration of the interaction between curcumin and myosin combined with the results of spectroscopy techniques,FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS,2020,101:-(参与作者)
- 罗辑,NASIRU MUSTAPHA MUHAMMAD,严文静,庄宏,周光宏,章建浩.Effects of dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma treatment on the structure and binding capacity of aroma compounds of myofibrillar proteins from dry-cured bacon,LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020,117:-(参与作者)
- 侯芹,程玉平,康大成,张万刚,周光宏.Quality changes of pork during frozen storage: comparison of immersion solution freezing and air blast freezing,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020,55(1):109-118(参与作者)
- 张淼,赵迪,朱姝冉,粘颖群,徐幸莲,周光宏,李春保.Overheating induced structural changes of type I collagen and impaired the protein digestibility,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2020,134:-(参与作者)
- AHMAD MUHAMMAD IJAZ,IJAZ MUHAMMAD UMAIR,HUSSAIN MUZAHIR,KHAN IFTIKHAR ALI,MEHMOOD NOREEN,Sultan Mehmood Siddiqi,刘聪聪,赵迪,徐幸莲,周光宏,李春保.High fat diet incorporated with meat proteins changes biomarkers of lipid metabolism, antioxidant activities, and the serum metabolomic profile in Glrx1(-/-) mice,FOOD & FUNCTION,2020,11(1):236-252(参与作者)
- Physicochemical and structural properties of myofibrillar proteins isolated from pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like chicken breast meat: Effects of pulsed electric field (PEF),INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES,2020,59:102277(参与作者)
- 庄昕波,姜熙平,周姮玥,陈银吉,赵莹莹,杨宏顺,周光宏.Insight into the mechanism of physicochemical influence by three polysaccharides on myofibrillar protein gelation,CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2020,229:-(通讯作者)