- 所在单位:食品科技学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Zheng Yan-Yan,Shi Yi-Fan,Zhu Hao-Zhe,Ding Shi-Jie,Zhou Guang-Hong.Quality evaluation of cultured meat with plant protein scaffold,Food Research International,2022,161(共同通讯作者)
- Chen Jiahui, Zhang Xing, Bassey Anthony Pius, Xu Xinglian, Gao Fenglei, Guo Kaijin, Zhou Guanghong.Prospects for the next generation of artificial enzymes for ensuring the quality of chilled meat: Opportunities and challenges,CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION,2022,(参与作者)
- 陈彧,朱浩哲,陈益春,刘政,丁希,郭赟,丁世杰,周光宏.猪肌肉干细胞在三维水凝胶中的分化研究,中国农业科学,2022,55(2022年22期):4500-4512(共同通讯作者)
- Chen Jiahui,Chen Xing,Zhou Guanghong,Xu Xinglian.New insights into the ultrasound impact on covalent reactions of myofibrillar protein,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,2022,84(参与作者)
- Bassey Anthony Pius,Boateng Evans Frimpong,Zhu Zongshuai,Zhou Tianming,Nasiru Mustapha Muhammad,Guo Yiping,Dou Han,Ye Keping,Li Chunbao,Zhou Guanghong.Volatilome evaluation of modified atmosphere packaged chilled and super-chilled pork loins using electronic nose and HS-GC-IMS integration,FOOD PACKAGING AND SHELF LIFE,2022,34(共同通讯作者)
- Li Yali,Xu Yujuan,Xu Xinglian,Zeng Xianming,Zhou Guanghong.Explore the mechanism of continuous cyclic glycation in affecting the stability of myofibrillar protein emulsion: The influence of pH,Food Research International,2022,161(参与作者)
- 赵迪,周光宏,李春保.基于肽组学技术探究肉品加工关键因子对肉蛋白消化性的影响机制,中国食品科学技术学会第十八届年会摘要集,2022,:191-192(参与作者)
- Bassey Anthony Pius,Chen Yongfang,Boateng Evans Frimpong,Zhang Yuanyuan,Diao Xinyue,Nasiru Mustapha Muhammad,Tang Changbo,Ye Keping,Li Chunbao,Zhou Guanghong.Evaluation of physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory profiles of vacuum-packed cooked low-salt pork belly under refrigeration and room-temperature storage,LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,167(共同通讯作者)
- 李冉,王聪,周光宏,李春保,叶可萍.The effects of thermal treatment on the bacterial community and quality characteristics of meatballs during storage,FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION,2021,9(1):564-573(参与作者)
- 杨慧娟,陶飞,曹广天,韩敏义,徐幸莲,周光宏,沈青.Stability improvement of reduced-fat reduced-salt meat batter through modulation of secondary and tertiary protein structures by means of high pressure processing,MEAT SCIENCE,2021,176:-(通讯作者)