- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点: 逸夫楼2053
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- 刘迎森,张莹莹,李蛟龙,王筱霏,邢通,朱旭东,张林,高峰.Growth performance, carcass traits and digestive function of broiler chickens fed diets with graded levels of corn resistant starch,BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE,2019,:-(参与作者)
- 赵雪,邢通,王瑛瑶,徐幸莲,周光宏.Isoelectric solubilization/precipitation processing modified sarcoplasmic protein from pale, soft, exudative-like chicken meat,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,287:1-10(参与作者)
- 邢通,高峰,Tume Ronald,周光宏,徐幸莲.Stress Effects on Meat Quality: A Mechanistic Perspective,COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY,2019,18(2):380-401(第一作者)
- 陈祥兴,李蛟龙,邢通,张林,高峰.过氧化氢对成肌细胞的氧化损伤作用研究,畜牧兽医学报,2019,50(5):1016-1025(参与作者)
- Dietary taurine supplementation enhances antioxidative capacity and improves breast meat quality of broiler chickens,BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE,2019,:-(参与作者)
- 赵雪,吴涛,邢通,徐幸莲,周光宏.Rheological and physical properties of O/W protein emulsions stabilized by isoelectric solubilization/precipitation isolated protein: The underlying effects of varying protein concentrations,FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS,2019,95:580-589(参与作者)
- 赵良,邢通,黄继超,乔燕,陈玉连,黄明.Involvement of mu/m-calpain in the proteolysis and meat quality changes during postmortem storage of chicken breast muscle,ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL,2018,89(2):423-431(参与作者)
- 李鸣,邢通,王虎虎,徐幸莲,周光宏.加工工艺对白切鸡品质及微生物状况的影响,食品科学,2018,39(11):32-38(参与作者)
- 邢通,康逸菲,徐幸莲,王波,杜敏,Meijun Zhu.Raspberry Supplementation Improves Insulin Signaling and Promotes Brown-Like Adipocyte Development in White Adipose Tissue of Obese Mice,MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH,2018,62(5):-(第一作者)
- 赵雪,白云,邢通,徐幸莲,周光宏.Use of an isoelectric solubilization/precipitation process to modify the functional properties of PSE (pale, soft, exudative)-like chicken meat protein: A mechanistic approach,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2018,248:201-209(参与作者)