- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点: 逸夫楼2053
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- Wang Zhaochen, Xing Tong, Zhang Lin, Zhao Liang, Gao Feng.Effects of substituting soybean meal with fermented rapeseed meal mixture on the growth performance, slaughter performance, meat quality, blood biochemical indices and intestinal barrier function in Langshan Chickens,POULTRY SCIENCE,2024,103(12):-(参与作者)
- Liu Yingsen, Liu Zhen, Xing Tong, Li Jiaolong, Zhang Lin, Zhao Liang, Gao Feng.Effects of chronic heat stress on Ca2+ homeostasis, apoptosis, and protein carbonylation profiles in the breast muscle of broilers,POULTRY SCIENCE,2024,(参与作者)
- Zhang Xinrui,Xing Tong,Zhao Liang,Zhang Lin,Gao Feng.Transcriptomic meta-analysis and exploration of differentially expressed gene functions in wooden breast myopathy of broilers,POULTRY SCIENCE,2024,103(10)(参与作者)
- 潘泳霖,高峰,邢通,赵良,周岩民,顾玲,张林<i class="icon-email"></i>.育雏期蛋鸡玉米氨基酸标准回肠消化率的测定及预测方程的建立,动物营养学报,2024,(参与作者)
- 杭振宇,汪子怡,张林,邢通,赵良,高峰.不同来源玉米28日龄白羽肉鸡标准回肠氨基酸消化率评定和预测方程的建立,畜牧兽医学报,2024,(参与作者)
- Li Jingzheng,Li Jiaolong,Zhang Lin,Xing Tong,Jiang Yun,Gao Feng.Effects of guanidinoacetic acid on the growth performance, meat quality, postmortem energy metabolism and muscle fibre types of finishing pigs,ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE,2024,64(1)(参与作者)
- Liu Zhen, Liu Yingsen, Xing Tong, Li Jiaolong, Zhang Lin, Zhao Liang, Jiang Yun, Gao Feng.Chronic heat stress inhibits glycogen synthesis through gga-miR-212-5p/GYS1 axis in the breast muscle of broilers,POULTRY SCIENCE,2024,103(3):-(参与作者)
- Wang Zhenxin, Xing Tong, Zhang Lin, Zhao Liang, Gao Feng.Dynamic changes of protein lactylation and their correlations with the glycolytic process during the postmortem acidification of broiler breast,POULTRY SCIENCE,2024,(参与作者)
- Liu Zhen, Mu Yingqi, Xing Tong, Zhao Liang, Li Jiaolong, Zhou Jianming, Zhang Lin, Gao Feng.Coated oregano essential oil and cinnamaldehyde compounds supplementation improves growth performance, enhances immune responses and inhibits cecal Escherichia coli proliferation of broilers.,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2024,(参与作者)
- Zhang Xinrui,Xing Tong,Zhang Lin,Zhao Liang,Gao Feng.Hypoxia-mediated programmed cell death is involved in the formation of wooden breast in broilers,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2024,15(1)(参与作者)