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Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
School/Department: College of Agro-grassland Science
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:
Associate Professor
Alma Mater:
Paper Publications
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
宗成,吴金鑫,朱九刚,董志浩,李君风,邵涛,刘秦华.添加剂对农副产物和小麦秸秆混合青贮发酵品质的影响,中国农业科学,2022,55(2022年05期):1037-1046(Participating authors)
Zhang Lei,Li Xinbao,Wang Siran,Zhao Jie,Dong Zhihao,Zhao Qiang,Xu Yang,Pan Xiaoqing,Shao Tao.Effect of Sorbic Acid, Ethanol, Molasses, Previously Fermented Juice and Combined Additives on Ensiling Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum) Silage,FERMENTATION-BASEL,2022,8(10)(Participating authors)
Li Junfeng,Ding Hao,Zhao Jie,Wang Siran,Dong Zhihao,Shao Tao.Characterization and identification of a novel microbial consortium M2 and its effect on fermentation quality and enzymatic hydrolysis of sterile rice straw,JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2022,:-(Participating authors)
Wang Siran,Shao Tao,Li Junfeng,Zhao Jie,Dong Zhihao.A survey of fermentation parameters, bacterial community compositions and their metabolic pathways during the ensiling of sorghum,JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2022,132(5):3563-3577(Correspondence Author)
Ding Hao, Han Zhe, Li Junfeng, Li Xinbao, Dong Zhihao, Zhao Jie, Wang Siran, Shao Tao.Effect of Fibrolytic Enzymes, Cellulolytic Fungi and Lactic Acid Bacteria on Fermentation Characteristics, Structural Carbohydrate Composition and In Vitro Digestibility of Rice Straw Silage,FERMENTATION-BASEL,2022,(Participating authors)
Zong Cheng, Wu Qifeng, Shao Tao, Dong Zhihao, Liu Qinhua.Exploiting the anaerobic fermentation of alfalfa as a renewable source of squalene,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2022,103(1):221-232(Participating authors)
Dong Zhihao,Li Junfeng,Wang Siran,Zhao Jie,Dong Dong,Shao Tao.Gamma-ray irradiation and microbiota transplantation to separate the effects of chemical and microbial diurnal variations on the fermentation characteristics and bacterial community of Napier grass silage,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2022,102(10):4322-4332(First Author)
Dong Zhihao,Li Junfeng,Wang Siran,Dong Dong,Shao Tao.Time of Day for Harvest Affects the Fermentation Parameters, Bacterial Community, and Metabolic Characteristics of Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid Silage,MSPHERE,2022,7(4)(First Author)
Zhao Jie,Yin Xue-Jing,Li Jun-Feng,Wang Si-Ran,Dong Zhi-Hao,Shao Tao.Effects of developmental stage and store time on the microbial community and fermentation quality of sweet sorghum silage,ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2022,21(1):1543-1557(Participating authors)
Yin Xuejing, Zhao Jie, Wang Siran, Dong Zhihao, Li Junfeng, Shao Tao.The effects of epiphytic microbiota and chemical composition of Italian ryegrass harvested at different growth stages on silage fermentation,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2022,(Participating authors)
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