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Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
School/Department: College of Agro-grassland Science
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Professional Title:
Associate Professor
Alma Mater:
Paper Publications
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Dong Zhihao,Li Junfeng,Wang Siran,Dong Dong,Shao Tao.Diurnal Variation of Epiphytic Microbiota: an Unignorable Factor Affecting the Anaerobic Fermentation Characteristics of Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid Silage,MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM,2022,(First Author)
Ding Hao,Han Zhe,Li Junfeng,Li Xinbao,Dong Zhihao,Zhao Jie,Wang Siran,Shao Tao.Effect of Fibrolytic Enzymes, Cellulolytic Fungi and Lactic Acid Bacteria on Fermentation Characteristics, Structural Carbohydrate Composition and In Vitro Digestibility of Rice Straw Silage,FERMENTATION-BASEL,2022,8(12)(Participating authors)
Yin Xuejing,Zhao Jie,Wang Siran,Dong Zhihao,Li Junfeng,Shao Tao.Separating the chemical and microbial factors of oat harvested at two growth stages to determine the main factor on silage fermentation,JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2022,132(6):4266-4276(Participating authors)
Nazar Mudasir,Ullah Muhammad Wajid,Wang Siran,Zhao Jie,Dong Zhihao,Li Junfeng,Kaka Niaz Ali,Shao Tao.Exploring the Epiphytic Microbial Community Structure of Forage Crops: Their Adaptation and Contribution to the Fermentation Quality of Forage Sorghum during Ensiling,BIOENGINEERING-BASEL,2022,9(9)(Participating authors)
Wang Siran,Li Junfeng,Zhao Jie,Dong Zhihao,Dong Dong,Shao Tao.Effect of epiphytic microbiota from napiergrass and Sudan grass on fermentation characteristics and bacterial community in oat silage,JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2022,:-(Participating authors)
Zhao Jie,Yin Xue-Jing,Wang Si-Ran,Li Jun-Feng,Dong Zhi-Hao,Shao Tao.Changes in the fermentation products, taxonomic and functional profiles of microbiota during high-moisture sweet sorghum silage fermentation,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2022,13(Participating authors)
Wang Siran, Shao Tao, Li Junfeng, Zhao Jie, Dong Zhihao.Dynamics of fermentation profile, bacterial communities and their functional characteristics in red clover,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE,2022,(Correspondence Author)
Wang Siran, Wang Yuxin, Liu Haopeng, Li Xinbao, Zhao Jie, Dong Zhihao, Li Junfeng, Kaka Niaz Ali, Nazar Mudasir, Shao Tao.Using PICRUSt2 to explore the functional potential of bacterial community in alfalfa silage harvested at different growth stages,CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN AGRICULTURE,2022,(Participating authors)
Yuan Xianjun,Yang Xin,Wang Wenbo,Li Junfeng,Dong Zhihao,Zhao Jie,Shao Tao.The effects of natamycin and hexanoic acid on the bacterial community, mycotoxins concentrations, fermentation profiles, and aerobic stability of high moisture whole-crop corn silage,ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,286(Participating authors)
Wang Siran,Shao Tao,Li Junfeng,Zhao Jie,Dong Zhihao.Fermentative products and bacterial community structure of C4 forage silage in response to epiphytic microbiota from C3 forages,ANIMAL BIOSCIENCE,2022,35(12):1860-1870(Correspondence Author)
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