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秦欢欢,赖虹妃,刘坤,陈光明,卢伟,薛金林,李佩娟.面向球果抓取的主动式三指手爪设计与试验,农业机械学报,2024,:67-74(First Author)
Liu Shaohua, Xue Jinlin, Zhang Tianyu, Lv Pengfei, Qin Huanhuan, Zhao Tianxing.Research progress and prospect of key technologies of fruit target recognition for robotic fruit picking,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2024,15:-(Participating authors)
Lu Wei,Li Jiacheng,Qin Huanhuan,Shu Lei,Song Aiguo.On Dual-Mode Driving Control Method for a Novel Unmanned Tractor With High Safety and Reliability,IEEE-CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA,2023,10(1):254-271(Participating authors)
Lu Wei,Zeng Mengjie,Qin Huanhuan.Intelligent navigation algorithm of plant phenotype detection robot based on dynamic credibility evaluation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2021,14(6):195-206(Participating authors)