- 所在单位:工学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- Gao Yi,Tian Guangzhao,Gu Baoxing,Zhao Jiawei,Liu Qin,Qiu Chang,Xue Jinlin.A Study on the Rapid Detection of Steering Markers in Orchard Management Robots Based on Improved YOLOv7,ELECTRONICS,2023,12(17)(通讯作者)
- Gu Baoxing, Liu Qin, Gao Yi, Tian Guangzhao, Zhang Baohua, Wang Haiqing, Li He.Research on the Relative Position Detection Method between Orchard Robots and Fruit Tree Rows.,SENSORS,2023,23(21):-(第一作者)
- 顾宝兴,刘钦,田光兆,王海青,李和,谢尚杰.基于改进YOLOv3的果树树干识别和定位,农业工程学报,2022,38(2022年06期):122-129(第一及通讯作者)
- Ding Haizhou,Zhang Baohua,Zhou Jun,Yan Yaxuan,Tian Guangzhao,Gu Baoxing.Recent developments and applications of simultaneous localization and mapping in agriculture,Journal of Field Robotics,2022,39(6):956-983(参与作者)
- Zhao Jiawei,Tian Guangzhao,Qiu Chang,Gu Baoxing,Zheng Kui,Liu Qin.Weed Detection in Potato Fields Based on Improved YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Weed Detection in Potato Fields,ELECTRONICS,2022,11(22)(参与作者)
- Gu Baoxing,Liu Qin,Tian Guangzhao,Wang Haiqing,Li He,Xie Shangjie.Recognizing and locating the trunk of a fruit tree using improved YOLOv3,Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2022,38(6):122-129(第一及通讯作者)
- Xu Jinyuan, Gu Baoxing, Tian Guangzhao.Review of agricultural IoT technology,Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture,2022,6:45221(参与作者)
- 张保华,郭宁,黄继超,顾宝兴,周俊.Computer Vision Estimation of the Volume and Weight of Apples by Using 3D Reconstruction and Noncontact Measuring Methods,JOURNAL OF SENSORS,2020,2020:-(参与作者)
- 田光兆,李小娜,张保华,周俊,顾宝兴.Comparative Study of Two Different strategies for Determination of Soluble Solids Content of Apples From Multiple Geographical Regions by Using FT-NIR Spectroscopy,IEEE ACCESS,2019,7:179734-179745(参与作者)
- 田光兆,顾宝兴,陈凯,刘宇峰,魏建胜.Method of automatic steering system design and parameter optimisation for small tractors,The Journal of Engineering,2019,2019(22):8353-8358(通讯作者)