- 所在单位:食品科技学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Ding Mengzhen,Huang Zixin,Huang Zhiji,Zhao Zerun,Zhao Di,Shan Kai,Ke Weixin,Zhang Miao,Zhou Guanghong,Li Chunbao.Proteins from different sources in a high-fat food matrix influence lipid hydrolysis through bolus coalescence and interactions with bile salts,FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS,2023,141(参与作者)
- Zhang Miao,Chen Ya,Li Yanan,Li Chunbao.Evaluation of sono-physico-chemical and processing effects in the mixed sarcoplasmic protein/soy protein isolate system,ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2023,100(第一作者)
- Zhang Miao, Xue Dejiang, Chen Ya, Li Yanan, Li Chunbao.Evaluation of sono-physico-chemical and processing effects in the mixed sarcoplasmic protein/soy protein isolate system.,Ultrasonics sonochemistry,2023,100:106639-106639(第一作者)
- Zhang Miao,Gao Tingxuan,Han Yu,Xue Dejiang,Jiang Shuai,Li Qian,Li Chunbao.Improvement of Structural, Rheological, and physicochemical properties of type I collagen by calcium lactate combined with ultrasound,ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY,2023,95(第一作者)
- Zhang Miao, Shan Kai, Song Shangxin, Bai Juan, Jiang Ping, Zhao Di, Ke Weixin, Zhou Guanghong, Li Chunbao.Serine, glutamate, and proline in a high-fat diet exacerbated metabolite reduction-induced memory and cognitive decline,Food Frontiers,2023,4(2):883-901(第一作者)
- Han Yu,Liu Hui,Li Qian,Zhao Di,Shan Kai,Ke Weixin,Zhang Miao,Li Chunbao.The degree of doneness affected molecular changes and protein digestibility of pork,FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION,2023,9(共同通讯作者)
- Ma Yafang,Shan Kai,Huang Zixin,Zhao Di,Zhang Miao,Ke Weixin,Li Chunbao.Bile Acid Derivatives Effectively Prevented High-Fat Diet-Induced Colonic Barrier Dysfunction,MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH,2023,67(10)(参与作者)
- Shan Kai,Yao Yuanyue,Wang Jingyi,Zhou Tianming,Zeng Xianming,Zhang Miao,Ke Weixin,He Hui,Li Chunbao.Effect of probiotic Bacillus cereus DM423 on the flavor formation of fermented sausage,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2023,172(参与作者)
- Zhang Miao,Zhu Shuran,Li Qian,Xue Dejiang,Jiang Shuai,Han Yu,Li Chunbao.Effect of Thermal Processing on the Conformational and Digestive Properties of Myosin,FOODS,2023,12(6)(第一作者)
- Jiang Shuai,Xue Dejiang,Zhang Ze,Shan Kai,Ke Weixin,Zhang Miao,Zhao Di,Nian Yingqun,Xu Xinglian,Zhou Guanghong,Li Chunbao.Effect of Sous-vide cooking on the quality and digestion characteristics of braised pork,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2022,375(参与作者)