- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点: 逸夫楼2053
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- 罗丹,李蛟龙,邢通,张林,高峰.Combined effects of xylo-oligosaccharides and coated sodium butyrate on growth performance, immune function, and intestinal physical barrier function of broilers,ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL,2021,92(1):-(参与作者)
- 邢通,徐颖,戚军,徐幸莲,赵雪.Effect of high intensity ultrasound on the gelation properties of wooden breast meat with different NaCl contents,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2021,347:-(第一作者)
- 邢通,潘晓娜,张林,高峰.Hepatic Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis, and Inflammation in Broiler Chickens With Wooden Breast Myopathy,FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY,2021,12:-(第一作者)
- 余兰林,张苏,徐媛媛,宓晓雨,邢通,李蛟龙,张林,高峰,江芸.Acid resistance of E. coli O157:H7 and O26:H11 exposure to lactic acid revealed by transcriptomic analysis,LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021,136:-(参与作者)
- 赵伟,李蛟龙,邢通,张林,高峰.Effects of guanidinoacetic acid and complex antioxidant supplementation on growth performance, meat quality, and antioxidant function of broiler chickens,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2021,101(9):3961-3968(参与作者)
- 邢通,陈祥兴,李蛟龙,张林,高峰.Dietary taurine attenuates hydrogen peroxide-impaired growth performance and meat quality of broilers via modulating redox status and cell death signaling,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2021,99(5):-(第一作者)
- 潘晓娜,张林,邢通,李蛟龙,高峰.The impaired redox status and activated nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2/antioxidant response element pathway in wooden breast myopathy in broiler chickens,ANIMAL BIOSCIENCE,2021,34(4):652-661(参与作者)
- 刘迎森,李珊,王筱霏,邢通,李蛟龙,朱旭东,张林,高峰.Microbiota populations and short-chain fatty acids production in cecum of immunosuppressed broilers consuming diets containing gamma-irradiated Astragalus polysaccharides,POULTRY SCIENCE,2021,100(1):273-282(参与作者)
- 马冰冰,张林,李蛟龙,邢通,江芸,高峰.Dietary taurine supplementation ameliorates muscle loss in chronic heat stressed broilers via suppressing the perk signaling and reversing endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced apoptosis,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2021,:-(参与作者)
- 马冰冰,张林,李蛟龙,邢通,江芸,高峰.Heat stress alters muscle protein and amino acid metabolism and accelerates liver gluconeogenesis for energy supply in broilers,POULTRY SCIENCE,2021,100(1):215-223(参与作者)