- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点: 逸夫楼2053
- 学位: 博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- Zhao Xue,Zhou Chang,Xu Xinglian,Zeng Xianming,Xing Tong.Ultrasound combined with carrageenan and curdlan addition improved the gelation properties of low-salt chicken meat paste,LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,172(通讯作者)
- Zhao Zerun,Xing Tong,Zhao Xue,Xu Xinglian.Effect of Addition of Soy Protein Isolate on the Gelation Properties of Low-salt Wooden Chicken Breast Meat Batter,Shipin Kexue/Food Science,2022,43(6):49-56(参与作者)
- Deng Shaolin,Xing Tong,Li Chunbao,Xu Xinglian,Zhou Guanghong.The Effect of Breed and Age on the Growth Performance, Carcass Traits and Metabolic Profile in Breast Muscle of Chinese Indigenous Chickens,FOODS,2022,11(3)(参与作者)
- Xing Tong,Xu Xinglian,Zhang Lin,Gao Feng.Overexpression of Heat Shock Protein 70 Ameliorates Meat Quality of Broilers Subjected to Pre-Slaughter Transport at High Ambient Temperatures by Improving Energy Status of Pectoralis Major Muscle and Antioxidant Capacity,ANTIOXIDANTS,2022,11(8)(第一及通讯作者)
- 刘迎森,邢通,张林,高峰.家禽无抗日粮饲养整体方案研究进展,饲料研究,2022,45(2022年03期):140-144(参与作者)
- Zhang Ying-Ying,Liu Ying-Sen,Li Jiao-Long,Xing Tong,Jiang Yun,Zhang Lin,Gao Feng.Role of dietary resistant starch in the regulation of broiler immunological characteristics,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2022,(参与作者)
- Duan B. B.,Xu J. W.,Xing T.,Li J. L.,Zhang L.,Gao F..Creatine nitrate supplementation strengthens energy status and delays glycolysis of broiler muscle via inhibition of LKB1/AMPK pathway,POULTRY SCIENCE,2022,101(3)(参与作者)
- Chen Zuodong,Xing Tong,Li Jiaolong,Zhang Lin,Jiang Yun,Gao Feng.Oxidative stress impairs the meat quality of broiler by damaging mitochondrial function, affecting calcium metabolism and leading to ferroptosis,ANIMAL BIOSCIENCE,2022,35(10):1616-1627(参与作者)
- 罗丹,李蛟龙,邢通,张林,高峰.低聚木糖和包膜丁酸钠对肉鸡肠道发育、肠黏膜免疫功能和盲肠微生物组成的影响,南京农业大学学报,2021,45(2022年01期):131-140(参与作者)
- 邢通,罗丹,赵雪,徐幸莲,李蛟龙,张林,高峰.Enhanced cytokine expression and upregulation of inflammatory signaling pathways in broiler chickens affected by wooden breast myopathy,JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE,2021,101(1):279-286(第一作者)