- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 刘扬,梁智慧,孙淑珍,田中伟,戴廷波.小麦种子萌发耐高铵胁迫的基因型差异,麦类作物学报,2019,39(11):1361-1367(参与作者)
- Reduced N-15 Losses by Winter and Spring Night-Warming Are Related to Root Distribution of Winter Wheat,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2019,10:-(通讯作者)
- 崔亚坤,王妮妮,田中伟,戴廷波,陈艳萍,袁建华.分蘖和拔节期干旱对小麦植株氮素积累转运的影响,麦类作物学报,2019,39(3):322-328(参与作者)
- 田中伟,葛耀相,祝庆,余锦鸿,周琴,蔡剑,姜东,曹卫星,戴廷波.Soil nitrogen balance and nitrogen utilization of winter wheat affected by straw management and nitrogen application in the Yangtze river basin of China,ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE,2019,65(1):1-15(第一作者)
- 刘扬,孙淑珍,雷康琦,田中伟,戴廷波.外源硝态氮对高铵胁迫下小麦幼苗生长的影响,麦类作物学报,2019,39(12):1477-1485(参与作者)
- 高敬文,王峰,胡航,姜苏育,Muhammad Abid,邵宇航,孙传蛟,田中伟,姜东,戴廷波.Improved leaf nitrogen reutilisation and Rubisco activation under short-term nitrogen-deficient conditions promotes photosynthesis in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the seedling stage,FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY,2018,45(8):840-853(参与作者)
- Seed osmopriming invokes stress memory against post-germinative drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2018,145:12-20(参与作者)
- 田中伟,王妮妮,李怡香,崔亚坤,蔡剑,姜东,戴廷波.分蘖期和拔节期干旱对小麦主茎和分蘖穗粒形成的影响,麦类作物学报,2018,38(6):734-741(第一作者)
- Muhammad Abid,Shafaqat Ali,雷康琦,Rizwan Zahoor,田中伟,姜东,John L Snider,戴廷波.Physiological and biochemical changes during drought and recovery periods at tillering and jointing stages in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018,8:-(参与作者)
- 田中伟,胡晨曦,谷世禄,郭华,樊永惠,Muhammad Abid,陈凯,姜东,曹卫星,戴廷波.Winter and spring night-warming improve root extension and soil nitrogen supply to increase nitrogen uptake and utilization of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2018,96:96-107(第一作者)