- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Zheng Qiaomei, Hu Jinling, Dong Chaofeng, Hu Hang, Zhao Chengfeng, Lei Kangqi, Tian Zhongwei, Dai Tingbo.Differences in membrane lipid homeostasis confer contrast tolerance to low phosphorus in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,219:-(共同通讯作者)
- Zhang Siqi,Xu Libing,Lu Yanhua,Liu Xiaoxue,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum Schuebl.) favours high photosynthetic capacity adaptation to low nitrogen stress,PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2024,176(3)(通讯作者)
- Tian Zhongwei, Chai Huimin, Guo Hua, Lu Yanhua, Yang Shuke, Liu Xiaoxue, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo.Genetic improvement of photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat in the Yangtze River Basin of China,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2024,305:-(第一作者)
- Zhang Siqi, Sun Jiawei, Lu Yanhua, Yang Shuke, Zhang Yafang, Chai Huimin, Jiang Dong, Dai Tingbo, Tian Zhongwei.Rubisco and sucrose synthesis and translocation are involved in the regulation of photosynthesis in wheat with different source-sink relationships,PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2024,176(2):-(共同通讯作者)
- Yu Jinhong,Hou Pan,Gao Qiang,Tan Qingwen,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer and straw management promote root extension and nitrogen uptake to improve grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE,2024,70(1):1-17(共同通讯作者)
- Hou Pan,Hu Chenxi,Yu Jinhong,Gao Qiang,Zhou Mingtian,Gao Lijun,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.Increasing Topdressing Ratio of Nitrogen Fertilizer Improves Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat Under Winter and Spring Night-Warming,JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION,2024,(通讯作者)
- Lu Yanhua, Gao Lijun, Hu Jinling, Liu Xiaoxue, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo, Tian Zhongwei.Low nitrogen priming improves nitrogen uptake and assimilation adaptation to nitrogen deficit stress in wheat seedling,PLANTA,2024,259(5):-(通讯作者)
- Chai Huimin,Gao Lijun,Zhao Chengfeng,Liu Xiaoxue,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.Low nitrogen priming enhances Rubisco activation and allocation of nitrogen to the photosynthetic apparatus as an adaptation to nitrogen-deficit stress in wheat seedling,JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2024,303(通讯作者)
- Zhang Siqi,Xu Libing,Zheng Qiaomei,Hu Jinling,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.The tetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccum (Schrank) Schuebl.) improves nitrogen uptake and assimilation adaptation to nitrogen-deficit stress,PLANTA,2024,259(6)(通讯作者)
- Dong Chaofeng,Zheng Qiaomei,Li Shiyu,Hu Jinling,Jiang Dong,Dai Tingbo,Tian Zhongwei.Exogenous melatonin priming promotes seed germination by enhancing reserve mobilization and hormone metabolism of late sown wheat,PLANT GROWTH REGULATION,2024,(通讯作者)