姓 名:邵小龙
职 称:副教授,硕士生导师
邮 箱:xlshao@njau.edu.cn
植物细菌病害绿色防控新靶标的发掘与利用。具体包括植物细菌病害灾变机制、"生防细菌-病原细菌-植物"三者协同进化和适应性机制、 基于AI的新型病原菌靶向性抑杀制剂及生防菌剂的创制与应用。
2016.09–2019.06 南开大学 泰达生物技术研究院,微生物学,博士
2013.09–2016.06 西北大学 生命科学学院,微生物学,硕士
2009.09–2013.06 天水师范学院 生物工程与技术学院,生物科学,学士
2021.10–今 南京农业大学植物保护学院,副教授,硕导
2019.07–2021.09 香港城市大学生物医学系,病原微生物学,博士后研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32470112):产酶溶杆菌利用T4SS效应子屏蔽猕猴桃溃疡病菌杀菌型T6SS的分子机制研究。2025.01-2028.12,在研,主持。
2. 海南省重点研发项目A档:海南哈密瓜病害绿色防控与提质增效的微生物菌剂创制与应用。2025.01-2028.12,在研,子课题负责人。
3. 中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划重大项目合(协)作研究项目(2024530000241008):基于复合侵染的烟草青枯病关键防控技术研究及示范。2024.07-2026.12,在研,子课题负责人。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32272619):产酶溶杆菌利用四型分泌系统转运效应蛋白Le1519激活防御假单胞抗真菌效应的机制研究。2023.01-2026.12,在研,主持。
5. 南京农业大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目(804140):2021.12-2026.11, 在研,主持。
6. 江苏省优势学科项目(80900246):猕猴桃溃疡病菌关键致病性转录因子的鉴定与机制研究。2021.12-2022.12 结题,主持。
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32172358):丁香假单胞菌毒力负调控因子的信号通路研究。2022.01-2025.12,在研,骨干(第二)。
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870116):调控丁香假单胞菌致病性的关键双组分系统的信号传导机理研究。2019.01-2022.12,已结题,骨干(第二)。
9. 深圳市科技创新基金项目(JCYJ201708118103038049): 针对丁香假单胞菌新型抑菌药物研究,2018.04-2020.04,已结题,骨干(第四)。
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670127):一个新的蛋白酶系统RhpPC调控III型分泌系统的信号传导途径研究。2017.01- 2020.12,已结题,骨干(第三)。
代表性科研成果:(#co-first authors,*corresponding author)
1. Yao C, Ding Y, Liu J, Zhang Y, Han L, Liu N, Chen F, Qian G, Shao X*, and Deng X*. (2024) Global Functional Characterizations of Hypothetical Proteins Reveal Novel Virulence Factors in Pathogenic Bacterium. Nature Communications. (under revision).
2. Shao X, Wu Q, Li L, He W, He X, Cheng D, Murero A, Lin L, Wang L*, Zhong C, Huang L, Qian G. (2023) Adapting the inoculation methods of kiwifruit canker disease to identify efficient biocontrol bacteria from branch microbiome. Molecular Plant Pathology, 00, 1-12. (IF: 4.9)
3. Lin L, Yang Z, Tao M, Shen D, Cui C, Wang P, Wang L, Jing M, Qian G*, Shao X*. (2023) Lysobacter enzymogenes prevents Phytophthora infection by inhibiting pathogen growth and eliciting plant immune responses. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1116147. (IF: 6.6)
4. Xiong D, He X, He W, Shen D, Wang L, Lin L, Minamino T, Shao X*, Qian G*. (2023) Loss of flagella-related genes enables a non-flagellated, fungal-predating bacterium to strengthen the synthesis of an antifungal weapon. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023 Jan 11:e0414922. (IF: 3.7)
5. Shao X*, Yao C, Ding Y, Qian G, He M, Deng X*. (2022) The transcriptional regulators of virulence for Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Therapeutic opportunity and preventive potential of its clinical infections. Genes and Diseases. Available online 1 October 2022 (IF: 6.8)
6. Shao X#, Tan M#, Xie Y, Wang T, Huang H, Zhang Y, Liu J, Hua C, Zhang W, Wang X*, Deng X*. (2021) Integrated Regulatory Network in Pseudomonas syringae Reveals Dynamics of Virulence. Cell Reports. 2021 Mar 30;34(13):108920. (IF: 9.4)
7. Yao C#, Shao X#, Li J and Deng X*. (2021) Optimized Protocols for ChIP-seq and deletion mutant construction in Pseudomonas syringae. STAR protocols. 2021.100776.
8. Shao X#, Zhang W#, Umar M#, Xie Y, Wang T, Zhang Y, Yang L, Kwok C*, Deng X*. (2020) RNA G-Quadruplex Structures Mediate Gene Regulation in Bacteria. mBio. Jan 2020, 11 (1) e02926-19. (IF: 7.9)
9. Shao X, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Liu J, Ding Y, Wu M, Wang X, Deng X*. (2020) Novel therapeutic strategies for treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 15(12):1403-1423. (IF: 6.1)
10. Huang H#, Shao X#, Xie Y#, Wang T, Zhang Y, Wang X*, Deng X*. (2019) An integrated genomic regulatory network of virulence-related transcriptional factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nature Communications. 10(1):2931. (IF: 12.1)
11. Shao X, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Deng X*. (2019) Biofilm Formation Assay in Pseudomonas syringae. Bio-protocol. 9 (10): e3237.
12. Shao X#, Zhang X#, Zhang Y, Zhu M, Yang P, Yuan J, Xie Y, Zhou T, Wang W, Chen S, Liang H*, Deng X*. (2018) RpoN-dependent direct regulation of quorum sensing and the type VI secretion system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Journal of Bacteriology. 200 (16), 00205-18. (IF: 3.2)
13. Wang J#, Shao X#, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Yang P, Yuan J, Wang T, Yin C, Wang W, Chen S, Liang H*, Deng X*. (2018) HrpS is a global regulator on T3SS and non-T3SS genes in Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 31 (12), 1232-1243. (IF: 4.2)
14. Lin L, SHAO X, Yang Y, Aprodisia K, Wang L, Xu G, Zhao Y, Han S, Su Z, Xu K, Yang M, Liao J, Li K, Liu F*, Qian G*. (2024) Lysobacter enzymogenes: a fully armed biocontrol warrior. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. (IF: 3.2)
15. Lin L, Shen D, Shao X, Yang Y, Li L, Zhong C, Jiang J, Wang M, Qian G. Soil microbiome bacteria protect plants against filamentous fungal infections via intercellular contacts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2025 Jan 21;122(3):e2418766122.
16. 刘文德*,代玉立,邵小龙等. (2023) 我国主要农作物病害灾变机制与综合防控研究进展:2018年-2022年[J].植物保护,2023,49(05):1-31.
17. Liao J, Li Z, Xiong D, Shen D, Wang L, Lin L, Shao X, Liao L, Li P, Zhang LQ, Wang HH, Qian G*. (2023) Quorum quenching by a type IVA secretion system effector. ISME Journal. 2023 Jun 20. (IF: 11.0)
18. Wang B, Zhang Z, Xu F, Yang Z, Li Z, Shen D, Wang L, Wu H, Li T, Yan Q, Wei Q, Shao X, Qian G*. (2023) Soil bacterium manipulates antifungal weapons by sensing intracellular type IVA secretion system effectors of a competitor. ISME Journal. 2023 Oct 14. (IF: 11.0)
19. Bingxin Wang, Fugui Xu, Zeyu Zhang, Danyu Shen, Limin Wang, Huijun Wu, Qing Yan, Chuanbin Cui, Pingping Wang, Qi Wei, Xiaolong Shao, Mengcen Wang, Guoliang Qian, Type IV secretion system effector sabotages multiple defense systems in a competing bacterium, ISME Journal, 2024;, wrae121. (IF: 11.0)
20. Shen X, Shen D, Shao X, Niu B, He Y, Qian G*. (2023) Bactericidal T4SS-guided TA finder: a simple and powerful approach to discover new type II toxin-antitoxin systems. mLife. 2023, 2(3), 295–307.
21. Lin L, Li L, Tao M, Wu Q, Zhou L, Wang B, Wang L, Shao X, Zhong C, Qian G*. (2023) Assembly of an active microbial consortium by engineering compatible combinations containing foreign and native biocontrol bacteria of kiwifruit. CSB Journal. Volume 21, 2023, Pages 3672-3679. (IF: 6.0)
22. Liao J, Li Z, Xiong D, Shen D, Wang L, Shao X, Li T, Qian G*. (2022) A novel and efficient platform for discovering non-canonical quorum-quenching proteins. Microbiology Spectrum. (IF: 9.0)
23. Xu K, Wang L, Xiong D, Chen H, Tong X, Shao X, Li T, Qian G*. (2022) The Wsp chemosensory system modulates c-di-GMP-dependent biofilm formation by integrating DSF quorum sensing through the WspR-RpfG complex in Lysobacter. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes (IF: 8.5)
24. Wu, Q., Wang, B., Shen, X., Shao X, Qian G*. (2021) Unlocking the bacterial contact-dependent antibacterial activity to engineer a biocontrol alliance of two species from natural incompatibility to artificial compatibility. Stress Biology, 1,19.
25. Wang B#, Li L#, Lin Y#, Shen D, Shao X, Zhong C*, Qian G*. (2022) Directed isolation of biocontrol agents from plants through plant-pathogen co-culturing and pathogen enrichment. Phytopathology Research, 4:19. (IF: 3.955)
26. Xie Y #, Li J#, Ding Y#, Shao X, Sun Y, Xie F, Liu S,Tang S, Deng X*. (2022) An atlas of bacterial two-component systems reveals function and plasticity in signal transduction. Cell Reports. 41(3):111502. (IF: 9.4)
27. Sun Y., Shao X, Zhang Y. Han L, Huang J, Liu J, Deng X*. (2022) Maintenance of tRNA and elongation factors supports T3SS proteins translational elongations in pathogenic bacteria during nutrient starvation. Cell & Bioscience, 12, 147. (IF: 7.5)
28. Xie Y, Ding Y, Shao X, Yao C, Li J, Liu J, Deng X*. (2021) Pseudomonas syringae Senses Polyphenol via Phosphorelay Crosstalk to Inhibit Virulence. EMBO Reports. 2021 Dec 6;22(12):e52805.(IF: 8.8)
29. Cai Z, Yang F, Shao X, Yue Z, Li Z, Song Y, Pan X, Jin Y, Cheng Z, Ha UH, Feng J, Yang L, Deng X, Wu W, Bai F*. (2022) ECF Sigma Factor HxuI Is Critical for In Vivo Fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during Infection. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022 Feb 23;10(1):e0162021. (IF: 9.0)
30. Xie Y, Shao X, Zhang Y, Liu J, Wang T, Zhang W, Hua C, Deng X*. (2019). Pseudomonas savastanoi Two-Component System RhpRS Switches between Virulence and Metabolism by Tuning Phosphorylation State and Sensing Nutritional Conditions. mBio. 10 (2), 02838-18. (IF: 7.9)
31. Xie Y, Shao X, Deng X*. (2019) Regulation of Type III Secretion System in Pseudomonas syringae. Environmental Microbiology. (21)12:4465-4477. (IF: 5.5)
32. Hua C, Wang T, Shao X, Xie Y, Hao H, Li, J, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Ding Y, Jiang L, Wang X, Deng, X*. (2020). Pseudomonas syringae dual-function protein Lon switches between virulence and metabolism by acting as both DNA-binding transcriptional regulator and protease in different environments. Environmental Microbiology. (22)7:2968-2988. (IF: 5.5)
33. Wang T#, Cai Z#, Shao X, Zhang W, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Hua C, Schuster S C, Yang L, Deng X*. (2019) The Pleiotropic Effects of c-di-GMP Content in Pseudomonas syringae. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 85 (10) e00152-19. (IF: 4.8)
34. Zhang Y #, Zhou C #, Pu Q, Wu Q, Tan S, Shao X, Zhang W, Xie Y, Li R, Yu X, Wang R, Zhang L, Wu M*, Deng X*. (2019) Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulatory protein AnvM controls pathogenicity in anaerobic environments and impacts host defense. mBio. 10 (4): e01362-19. pii: e01362-19. (IF: 7.9)
35. Fan L, Wang T, Hua C, Sun W, Li X, Grunwald L, Liu J, Wu W, Shao X, Yin Y, Yan J*, Deng X*. (2020) A Compendium of DNA-Binding Specificities of Transcription Factors in Pseudomonas syringae. Nature Communications. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4947. (IF: 12.1)
36. Zhou T, Yin C, Zhang Y, Shi H, Wang J, Sun L, Shao X, Gao R, Wang W*, Deng X*. (2016) Lon protease is involved in RhpRS-mediated regulation of type III secretion in Pseudomonas syringae. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 29(10): 807-814. (IF: 4.2)
37. Gao R, Shi H, Zhang Y, Shao X, Deng X. (2016) N6-methyladenosine Modification in Bacterial mRNA. Clin Microbiol 5: 256.
1. Wang B., Shao X., Qian G. (2023). Twitching Motility Assays of Lysobacter enzymogenes OH11 Under a Light Microscope. In: Minamino, T., Miyata, M., Namba, K. (eds) Bacterial and Archaeal Motility. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2646. Humana, New York, NY.
2. 邵小龙,钱国良. (2023). 新型生防菌的鉴定及功能机制研究方法,《分子微生物学实验技术指南》,科学出版社,章节撰写。
3. 邵小龙,钱国良. (2024). 《普通植物病理学实验》实验四与实验九,章节撰写。
1. 钱国良; 邵小龙; 王利民; 一株抑制猕猴桃溃疡病菌的生防泛菌KBA33及其应用, 2023-10-20, 中国, 2023113710563
2. 钱国良; 林龙; 邵小龙; 王利民; 一种OH11W和ZK-1的微生物组合物及其应用, 2023-06-08, 中国, 202310677627X
3. 钱国良; 林龙; 王利民; 邵小龙; 一株具有“接触杀菌”活性的生防金黄杆菌, 2023-10-20, 中国, 2023113685504
Molecular Plant Pathology、Phytopathology Research、Genes and Diseases、Molecular Diversity、BMC Infectious Diseases、Archives of Microbiology、Blue Biotechnology、Infectious Disorders - Drug Target、mLife 等期刊审稿人
Microbial Biotechnology Youth Editorial Board、Crop Health、New Plant Protection(NPP)青年编委;《中国科技知识》学术编辑
Journal of Visualized Experiments 期刊客座编辑、Plants客座编辑,Special Issue:Occurrence and Control of Plant Bacterial Diseases
Agronomy 客座编辑,Special Issue:Genetic Diversity and Pathogenic Mechanisms in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
Microbes & Immunity 客座编辑,Special Issue:New Immunotherapy for Plant Diseases
Frontiers in Microbiology客座编辑,Special Issue:Research on the exloration and evaluation of endophytes, interaction between endophytes and hosts, and application of endophytes in the production.