- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 刘蕾蕾,纪洪亭,安俊朋,史可佳,马吉锋,刘兵,汤亮,曹卫星,朱艳.Response of biomass accumulation in wheat to low-temperature stress at jointing and booting stages,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2019,157:46-57(第一作者)
- 刘蕾蕾,宋航,史可佳,刘兵,张羽,汤亮,曹卫星,朱艳.Response of wheat grain quality to low temperature during jointing and booting stages-On the importance of considering canopy temperature,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2019,278:-(第一作者)
- 邱小雷,汤亮,朱艳,曹卫星,刘蕾蕾.Quantification of Cultivar Change in Double Rice Regions under a Warming Climate during 1981-2009 in China,AGRONOMY-BASEL,2019,9(12):-(通讯作者)
- 甄凤贤,王巍,王浩宇,周俊杰,刘兵,朱艳,刘蕾蕾,曹卫星,汤亮.Effects of short-term heat stress at booting stage on rice-grain quality,CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE,2019,70(6):486-498(参与作者)
- 刘蕾蕾,纪洪亭,刘兵,马吉锋,肖浏骏,汤亮,曹卫星,朱艳.拔节期和孕穗期低温处理对小麦叶片光合及叶绿素荧光特性的影响,中国农业科学(中文版),2018,51(23):4434-4448(第一作者)
- 刘蕾蕾,Wallach D,李军,刘兵,张淋翔,汤亮,张羽,邱小雷,曹卫星,朱艳.Uncertainty in wheat phenology simulation induced by cultivar parameterization under climate warming,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2018,94:46-53(第一作者)
- 孙挺,Hasegawa T,汤亮,王巍,周俊杰,刘蕾蕾,刘兵,曹卫星,朱艳.Stage-dependent temperature sensitivity function predicts seed-setting rates under short-term extreme heat stress in rice,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2018,256:196-206(参与作者)
- 肖浏骏,刘蕾蕾,Senthold Asseng,夏煜民,汤亮,刘兵,曹卫星,朱艳.Estimating spring frost and its impact on yield across winter wheat in China,Agricultural and Forest Meleorology,2018,260-261(0):154-164(参与作者)
- 汤亮,宋伟国,侯天成,刘蕾蕾,曹卫星,朱艳.Collision detection of virtual plant based on bounding volume hierarchy: A case study on virtual wheat,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2018,17(2):306-314(参与作者)
- 汤亮,常瑞佳,BASSO, Bruno,Tao, Li,甄凤贤,刘蕾蕾,曹卫星,朱艳.Improving the estimation and partitioning of plant nitrogen in the RiceGrow model,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE,2018,156(8):959-970(参与作者)