- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Shi Kejia,Yin Tingwei,Zhu Yan,Liu Bing,Tang Liang,Cao Weixing,Liu Leilei.Estimating the effect of low-temperature stress on the spatial distribution patterns of protein in wheat grains,JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE,2022,105(通讯作者)
- Sun Ting, Liu Bing, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Liao Zhiyi, Tang Liang, Liu Leilei, Cao Weixing, Zhu Yan.Sink-source unbalance leads to abnormal partitioning of biomass and nitrogen in rice under extreme heat stress: An experimental and modeling study,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2022,142(参与作者)
- 刘兵,肖浏骏,章湖鑫,顾君妍,符天玉,Asseng Senthold,刘蕾蕾,汤亮,曹卫星,朱艳.Modeling the response of winter wheat phenology to low temperature stress at elongation and booting stages,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2021,303:-(参与作者)
- Raheel Osman,Yan Zhu,Weixing Cao,Zhifeng Ding,Meng Wang,Leilei Liu,Liang Tang,Bing Liu.Modeling the effects of extreme high-temperature stress at anthesis and grain filling on grain protein in winter wheat,The Crop Journal,2021,9(2021年04期):889-900(参与作者)
- Zhang Yu,Qiu Xiaolei,Yin Tingwei,Liao Zhiyi,Liu Bing,Liu Leilei.The Impact of Global Warming on the Winter Wheat Production of China,AGRONOMY-BASEL,2021,11(9):-(参与作者)
- Mahmood Aqib,王巍,Ali Iftikhar,甄凤贤,Osman Raheel,刘兵,刘蕾蕾,朱艳,曹卫星,汤亮.Individual and Combined Effects of Booting and Flowering High-Temperature Stress on Rice Biomass Accumulation,PLANTS-BASEL,2021,10(5):-(参与作者)
- Ali Iftikhar,汤亮,代俊杰,康敏,Mahmood Aqib,王巍,刘兵,刘蕾蕾,曹卫星,朱艳.Responses of Grain Yield and Yield Related Parameters to Post-Heading Low-Temperature Stress in Japonica Rice,PLANTS-BASEL,2021,10(7):-(参与作者)
- Liu Bing,Zhang Dongzheng,Zhang Huxin,Asseng Senthold,Yin Tingwei,Qiu Xiaolei,Ye Zi,Liu Leilei,Tang Liang,Cao Weixing,Zhu Yan.Separating the impacts of heat stress events from rising mean temperatures on winter wheat yield of China,Environmental Research Letters,2021,16(12)(参与作者)
- 姚波,王小龙,Lemaire G,Makowski D,曹强,刘小军,刘蕾蕾,刘兵,朱艳,曹卫星,汤亮.Uncertainty analysis of critical nitrogen dilution curves for wheat,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2021,128:-(参与作者)
- 孙挺,Hasegawa Toshihiro,刘兵,汤亮,刘蕾蕾,曹卫星,朱艳.Current rice models underestimate yield losses from short-term heat stresses,GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY,2021,27(2):402-416(参与作者)