- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 杨阳,杨树,贾逸敏,殷超,赵茹茜.Sex-biased transgenerational transmission of betaine-induced epigenetic modifications in glucocorticoid receptor gene and its down-stream BDNF/ERK pathway in rat hippocampus,NUTRITIONAL NEUROSCIENCE,2020,:-(参与作者)
- 孙博,贾逸敏,杨树,赵南南,胡云,洪键,高诗杏,赵茹茜.Sodium butyrate protects against high-fat diet-induced oxidative stress in rat liver by promoting expression of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2019,122(4):400-410(参与作者)
- 贾龙飞,曾亚琼,胡云,刘杰,殷超,牛英杰,王,李娟,贾逸敏,洪键,赵茹茜.Homocysteine impairs porcine oocyte quality via deregulation of one-carbon metabolism and hypermethylation of mitochondrial DNA,BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION,2019,100(4):907-916(参与作者)
- White light emitting diode induces autophagy in hippocampal neuron cells through GSK-3-mediated GR and ROR alpha pathways,AGING-US,2019,11(6):1832-1849(参与作者)
- 张禄初,巩慧颖,孙钦伟,赵茹茜,贾逸敏.Spermidine-Activated Satellite Cells Are Associated with Hypoacetylation in ACVR2B and Smad3 Binding to Myogenic Genes in Mice,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2018,66(2):540-550(通讯作者)
- 赵南南,杨树,贾逸敏,孙博,贺斌,赵茹茜.Maternal betaine supplementation attenuates glucocorticoid-induced hepatic lipid accumulation through epigenetic modification in adult offspring rats,JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY,2018,54:105-112(参与作者)
- 孙博,贾逸敏,洪键,孙钦伟,高诗杏,胡云,赵南南,赵茹茜.Sodium Butyrate Ameliorates High-Fat-Diet-Induced Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease through Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor alpha-Mediated Activation of beta Oxidation and Suppression of Inflammation,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2018,66(29):7633-7642(参与作者)
- 李贤,丛日华,姚文,贾逸敏,李润生,孙智远,李茜,赵茹茜.Glucocorticoid receptor is involved in the differential expression of hepatic 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase between barrows and boars at finishing stage,ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL,2018,89(1):158-166(参与作者)
- 潘士锋,贾逸敏,杨晓静,蔡德敏,刘智清,宋浩刚,赵茹茜.Amino acid starvation-induced autophagy is involved in reduced subcutaneous fat deposition in weaning piglets derived from sows fed low-protein diet during gestation and lactation,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2018,57(3):991-1001(参与作者)
- 洪键,贾逸敏,赵茹茜.丁酸通过增强肝线粒体功能缓解高脂诱导的小鼠肥胖,中国生物化学与分子生物学报,2017,33(12):1266-1273(通讯作者)