- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Fan Guoqiang,Li Yanfei,Liu Yaxin,Suo Xiaoyi,Jia Yimin,Yang Xiaojing.Gondoic acid alleviates LPS-induced Kupffer cells inflammation by inhibiting ROS production and PKC theta/ERK/STAT3 signaling pathway,INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY,2022,111(共同通讯作者)
- 周子轩,张艾珈,刘馨怡,杨阳,赵茹茜,贾逸敏.m6A-Mediated PPARA Translational Suppression Contributes to Corticosterone-Induced Visceral Fat Deposition in Chickens.,International journal of molecular sciences,2022,23(24)(通讯作者)
- Yang Yang,Han Wanwan,Zhang Aijia,Zhao Mindie,Cong Wei,Jia Yimin,Wang Deyun,Zhao Ruqian.Chronic corticosterone disrupts the circadian rhythm of CRH expression and m(6)A RNA methylation in the chicken hypothalamus,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2022,13(1):-(参与作者)
- 张艾珈,严敏,张延延,刘馨怡,林勇,贾逸敏.日粮添加混合发酵饲料对樱桃谷肉鸭生长性能、胴体品质和肌肉脂肪代谢的影响,畜牧与兽医,2022,54(2022年04期):17-24(通讯作者)
- 冯跃,董海波,孙博,胡云,杨阳,贾逸敏,贾龙飞,钟翔,赵茹茜.METTL3/METTL14 Transactivation and m(6)A-Dependent TGF-beta 1 Translation in Activated Kupffer Cells,CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY,2021,12(3):839-856(参与作者)
- 冯跃,李炎林,蒋文夺,胡云,贾逸敏,赵茹茜.GR-mediated transcriptional regulation of m(6)A metabolic genes contributes to diet-induced fatty liver in hens,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2021,12(1):-(参与作者)
- 张琰雯,任丽,孙肖肖,张志龙,刘杰,辛怡宁,于建民,贾逸敏,盛静浩,Guo-fu Hu,赵茹茜,贺斌.Angiogenin mediates paternal inflammation-induced metabolic disorders in offspring through sperm tsRNAs,NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2021,12(1):-(参与作者)
- Dong Haibo,Feng Yue,Yang Yang,Hu Yun,Jia Yimin,Yang Shu,Zhao Nannan,Zhao Ruqian.A Novel Function of Mitochondrial Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase as a Regulator of Inflammatory Response in Kupffer Cells,FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY,2021,9(参与作者)
- 胡云,冯跃,张禄初,贾逸敏,蔡德敏,钱书兵,杜敏,赵茹茜.GR-mediated FTO transactivation induces lipid accumulation in hepatocytes via demethylation of m(6)A on lipogenic mRNAs,RNA BIOLOGY,2020,17(7):930-942(参与作者)
- 冯跃,胡云,侯禛,孙钦伟,贾逸敏,赵茹茜.Chronic corticosterone exposure induces liver inflammation and fibrosis in association with m(6)A-linked post-transcriptional suppression of heat shock proteins in chicken,CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES,2020,25(1):47-56(通讯作者)