- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 隋世燕,贺斌,贾逸敏,李润生,蔡德敏,李茜,宋浩刚,贾龙飞,赵茹茜.Maternal protein restriction during gestation and lactation programs offspring ovarian steroidogenesis and folliculogenesis in the prepubertal gilts,The Journal of Steroid Biochemisry and Molecular Biology,2014,143(9):267-276(参与作者)
- 贾逸敏,李润生,丛日华,杨晓静,孙钦伟,parvizi,赵茹茜.Maternal Low-Protein Diet Affects Epigenetic Regulation of Hepatic Mitochondrial DNA Transcription in a Sex-Specific Manner in Newborn Piglets Associated with GR Binding to Its Promoter,PLOS ONE,2013,8(5):-(第一作者)
- 丛日华,贾逸敏,李润生,倪迎冬,杨晓静,孙钦伟,N PAVIZI,赵茹茜.Maternal low-protein diet causes epigenetic deregulation of HMGCR and CYP7 alpha 1 in the liver of weaning piglets,JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY,2012,23(12):1647-1654(参与作者)
- 李润生,孙钦伟,贾逸敏,丛日华,倪迎冬,杨晓静,姜志华,赵茹茜.Coordinated miRNA/mRNA Expression Profiles for Understanding Breed-Specific Metabolic Characters of Liver between Erhualian and Large White Pigs,PLOS ONE,2012,7(6):-(参与作者)
- 邹华锋,李润生,贾逸敏,杨晓静,倪迎冬,丛日华,soloway P,赵茹茜.Breed-Dependent Transcriptional Regulation of 5 '-Untranslated GR (NR3C1) Exon 1 mRNA Variants in the Liver of Newborn Piglets,PLOS ONE,2012,7(7):-(参与作者)
- Maternal Low-Protein Diet Induces Gender-Dependent Changes in Epigenetic Regulation of the Glucose-6-Phosphatase Gene in Newborn Piglet Liver,JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2012,142(9):1659-1665(第一作者)