- 所在单位:动物医学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 蔡德敏,袁梦婕,贾逸敏,刘,胡云,赵茹茜.Maternal gestational betaine supplementation-mediated suppression of hepatic cyclin D2 and presenilin1 gene in newborn piglets is associated with epigenetic regulation of the STAT3-dependent pathway,JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY,2015,26(12):1622-1631(参与作者)
- 贾逸敏,宋浩刚,高贵超,蔡德敏,杨晓静,赵茹茜.Maternal Betaine Supplementation during Gestation Enhances Expression of mtDNA-Encoded Genes through D-Loop DNA Hypomethylation in the Skeletal Muscle of Newborn Piglets,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2015,63(46):10152-10160(第一作者)
- 孙钦伟,贾逸敏,李润生,李茜,杨晓静,赵茹茜.Breed-specific expression of GR exon 1 mRNA variants and profile of GR promoter CpG methylation in the hippocampus of newborn piglets,Animal,2014,8(11):1851-1856(参与作者)
- 蔡德敏,贾逸敏,宋浩刚,隋世燕,卢镜宇,蒋征,赵茹茜.Betaine Supplementation in Maternal Diet Modulates the Epigenetic Regulation of Hepatic Gluconeogenic Genes in Neonatal Piglets,PLOS ONE,2014,9(8):-(参与作者)
- 蒋征,陆倩,邹华锋,贾逸敏,倪迎冬,杨晓静,姜志华,赵茹茜.Porcine glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) gene: Tissue-specificity of transcriptional strength and glucocorticoid responsiveness of alternative promoters,JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2014,141:87-93(参与作者)
- 潘士锋,杨晓静,贾逸敏,李润生,赵茹茜.Microvesicle-Shuttled miR-130b Reduces Fat Deposition in Recipient Primary Cultured Porcine Adipocytes by Inhibiting PPAR-gamma Expression,JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY,2014,229(5):631-639(参与作者)
- Maternal dietary betaine supplementation modifies hepatic expression of cholesterol metabolic genes via epigenetic mechanisms in newborn piglets,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2014,112(9):1459-1468(参与作者)
- 李茜,孙钦伟,李贤,蔡德敏,隋世燕,贾逸敏,宋浩刚,赵茹茜.Dietary betaine supplementation to gestational sows enhances hippocampal IGF2 expression in newborn piglets with modified DNA methylation of the differentially methylated regions,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2014,(参与作者)
- 李润生,贾逸敏,邹华锋,赵茹茜.Breed-specific expression of DROSHA, DICER and AGO2 is regulated by glucocorticoid-mediated miRNAs in the liver of newborn piglets,ANIMAL GENETICS,2014,45(6):817-826(参与作者)
- 隋世燕,贾逸敏,贺斌,李润生,蔡德敏,李贤,宋浩刚,张荣奎,赵茹茜.Maternal Low-protein Diet Alters Ovarian Expression of Folliculogenic and Steroidogenic Genes and Their Regulatory MicroRNAs in Neonatal Piglets,ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES,2014,27(12):1695-1704(参与作者)