- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 教师英文名称: Cao Hui
- Liu Senlin,Khan Muzammil Hassan,Yuan Zhongyuan,Hussain Sarfraz,Cao Hui,Liu Yabo.Response of soil microbiome structure and its network profiles to four soil amendments in monocropping strawberry greenhouse,PLOS ONE,2021,16(9):-(共同通讯作者)
- Wang Feng,Peng Wentao,Zhang Bo,Cao Ying,Zhao Juan,Cao Hui.Succession of bacterial community composition in coastal agricultural soils along a 1000-year reclamation chronosequence in Hangzhou Bay, China,ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,2021,121:-(通讯作者)
- Zhang Cunzhi,Cao Kaixun,Li Yue,Zhao Juan,Peng Wentao,Cao Hui,Xiao Xin.Long-term nitrogen fertilization shaped the nifH, nirK, and nosZ gene community in red paddy soil in south China,CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,2021,67(4):310-322(共同通讯作者)
- 乔燕,夏丞垚,李永凯,李周坤,叶现丰,罗雪,黄彦,曹慧,崔中利.粘细菌Corallococcus sp. strain EGB及其培养发酵液的安全性评估,微生物学报,2021,62(2022年01期):227-241(参与作者)
- Hussain Sarfraz,Liu Hao,Liu Senlin,Yin Yifan,Yuan Zhongyuan,Zhao Yuguo,Cao Hui.Distribution and Assembly Processes of Soil Fungal Communities along an Altitudinal Gradient in Tibetan Plateau,JOURNAL OF FUNGI,2021,7(12)(通讯作者)
- Peng Wentao,Wang Yan,Zhu Xiuxiu,Xu Liufeng,Zhao Juan,Cui Zhongli,Cao Hui.Distribution characteristics and diversities of cbb and coxL genes in paddy soil profiles from southern China,PEDOSPHERE,2021,31(6):954-963(通讯作者)
- 张晨阳,滕齐辉,曹滢,崔中利,李顺鹏,曹慧.有机肥施加对红壤中反硝化细菌nirK基因多样性影响,土壤,2021,53(1):72-79(通讯作者)
- 李周坤,叶现丰,罗雪,王文辉,李永凯,李睿,张博,乔燕,周杰,樊启文,王辉,黄彦,曹慧,崔中利,张瑞福.A predatory myxobacterium controls cucumber Fusarium wilt by regulating the soil microbial community,MICROBIOME,2020,8(1):-(参与作者)
- 李娜,彭倩,姚利,贺芹,邱吉国,曹慧,何健,牛秋红,陆云峰,惠凤丽.Roles of the Gentisate 1,2-Dioxygenases DsmD and GtdA in the Catabolism of the Herbicide Dicamba in Rhizorhabdus dicambivorans Ndbn-20,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,68(35):9287-9298(通讯作者)
- 叶现丰,陈阳,马诗韵,袁田,吴亚轩,李颖轩,赵玉强,陈淑英,张怡玮,李柳燕,李周坤,黄彦,曹慧,崔中利.Biocidal effects of volatile organic compounds produced by the myxobacterium Corrallococcus sp. EGB against fungal phytopathogens,FOOD MICROBIOLOGY,2020,91:-(通讯作者)