- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 教师英文名称: Cao Hui
- 王文辉,罗雪,叶现丰,陈阳,王辉,王磊,王云彬,杨云燕,李周坤,曹慧,崔中利.Predatory Myxococcales are widely distributed in and closely correlated with the bacterial community structure of agricultural land,APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY,2020,146:-(参与作者)
- 刘军委,张璇,邱吉国,徐鉴昳,朱建春,曹慧,何健.Anaerobic biodegradation of acetochlor by acclimated sludge and its anaerobic catabolic pathway,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2020,748:-(通讯作者)
- HUSSAIN SARFRAZ,张敏,朱秀秀,BAIOME ABDELMAGUID ALI BAIOME,李立峰,曹慧.Significance of Fe(II) and environmental factors on carbon-fixing bacterial community in two paddy soils,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2019,182:-(通讯作者)
- 李周坤,叶现丰,刘木星,夏丞垚,张蕾,罗雪,王婷,陈岳,赵玉强,乔燕,黄彦,曹慧,顾向阳,范加勤,崔中利,张正光.A novel outer membrane beta-1,6-glucanase is deployed in the predation of fungi by myxobacteria,ISME JOURNAL,2019,13(9):2223-2235(参与作者)
- 李周坤,王婷,罗雪,李祥敏,夏丞垚,赵玉强,叶现丰,黄彦,顾向阳,曹慧,崔中利,范加勤.Biocontrol potential of Myxococcus sp strain BS against bacterial soft rot of calla lily caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum,BIOLOGICAL CONTROL,2018,126:36-44(参与作者)
- 彭文涛,li xiangmin,wang chuang,曹慧,崔中利.Metagenome complexity and template length are the main causes of bias in PCR-based bacteria community analysis,JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY,2018,58(11):987-997(通讯作者)
- 李静泉,黄彦,侯颖,李祥敏,曹慧,崔中利.Novel Gene Clusters and Metabolic Pathway Involved in 3,5,6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinol Degradation by Ralstonia sp. Strain T6 (vol 79, pg 7445, 2013),APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2018,84(17):-(参与作者)
- 王霞,华琳,张海龙,朱安宁,曹慧.纤维素降解菌CMC-4的分离鉴定、诱变和酶学特性研究,土壤,2017,49(5):919-925(通讯作者)
- 李周坤,冀凯,周杰,叶现丰,王婷,罗雪,黄彦,曹慧,崔中利,孔毅.A debranching enzyme IsoM of Corallococcus sp strain EGB with potential in starch processing,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2017,105:1300-1309(参与作者)
- 雷燕萍,肖永良,李立峰,姜超强,祖 朝龙,李田,曹慧.Impact of tillage practices on soil bacterial diversity and composition under the tobacco-rice rotation in China,JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,2017,55(5):349-356(通讯作者)