- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 胡延如,连玲丹,夏佳乐,胡世珊,徐文照,朱静,任昂,师亮,赵明文.Influence of PacC on the environmental stress adaptability and cell wall components of Ganoderma lucidum,MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH,2020,230:-(参与作者)
- 夏佳乐,吴陈高,任昂,胡延如,王胜利,韩肖飞,师亮,朱静,赵明文.Putrescine regulates nitric oxide accumulation in Ganoderma lucidum partly by influencing cellular glutamine levels under heat stress,MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH,2020,239:-(参与作者)
- 师亮,岳思宁,高坦,朱静,任昂,于汉寿,王卉,赵明文.Nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxide plays a key role on MeJA-induced ganoderic acid biosynthesis inGanoderma lucidum,APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2020,104(24):10737-10753(参与作者)
- 陈冬冬,师亮,岳思宁,张天俊,王胜利,刘勇男,任昂,朱静,于汉寿,赵明文.The Slt2-MAPK pathway is involved in the mechanism by which target of rapamycin regulates cell wall components in Ganoderma lucidum,FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY,2019,123:70-77(参与作者)
- 朱静,孙泽华,史登科,宋书琪,连玲丹,师亮,任昂,于汉寿,赵明文.Dual functions of AreA, a GATA transcription factor, on influencing ganoderic acid biosynthesis in Ganoderma lucidum,ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2019,21(11):4166-4179(第一作者)
- 师亮,谭颖茹,孙泽华,任昂,朱静,赵明文.Exogenous Salicylic Acid (SA) Promotes the Accumulation of Biomass and Flavonoid Content in Phellinus igniarius (Agaricomycetes),INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS,2019,21(10):955-963(参与作者)
- 师亮,任昂,朱静,于汉寿,姜爱良,郑慧华,赵明文.14-3-3 Proteins: a window for a deeper understanding of fungal metabolism and development,WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY,2019,35(2):-(参与作者)
- 姜爱良,刘勇男,刘锐,任昂,马洪雨,舒烈波,师亮,朱静,赵明文.Integrated Proteomics and Metabolomics Analysis Provides Insights into Ganoderic Acid Biosynthesis in Response to Methyl Jasmonate in Ganoderma Lucidum,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2019,20(24):-(参与作者)
- 任昂,师亮,朱静,于汉寿,姜爱良,郑慧华,赵明文.Shedding light on the mechanisms underlying the environmental regulation of secondary metabolite ganoderic acid in Ganoderma lucidum using physiological and genetic methods,FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY,2019,128:43-48(参与作者)
- 朱静,吴凤礼,岳思宁,陈琛,宋书琪,王卉,赵明文.Functions of reactive oxygen species in apoptosis and ganoderic acid biosynthesis in Ganoderma lucidum,FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS,2019,366(23):-(第一作者)