- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 办公地点: 生科楼A4011
- Li Dong,Yu Weiguo,Zheng Hengbiao,Guo Caili,Yao Xia,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Cheng Tao.Towards practical semi-empirical models for the estimation of leaf and canopy water contents from hyperspectral reflectance,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2023,214(参与作者)
- Gu Yangyang, Ai Hongxu, Guo Tai, Liu Peng, Wang Yongqing, Zheng Hengbiao, Cheng Tao, Zhu Yan, Cao Weixing, Yao Xia.Comparison of two novel methods for counting wheat ears in the field with terrestrial LiDAR.,Plant methods,2023,19(1):134-134(参与作者)
- Tang Yining,Zhou Ruiheng,He Ping,Yu Minglei,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Tian Yongchao.Estimating wheat grain yield by assimilating phenology and LAI with the WheatGrow model based on theoretical uncertainty of remotely sensed observation,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2023,339(参与作者)
- Zhou Meng,Zheng Hengbiao,He Can,Liu Peng,Awan G. Mustafa,Wang Xue,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Yao Xia.Wheat phenology detection with the methodology of classification based on the time-series UAV images,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2023,292(参与作者)
- Gu Xingjian,Li Sizhe,Ren Shougang,Zheng Hengbiao,Fan Chengcheng,Xu Huanliang.Adaptive enhanced swin transformer with U-net for remote sensing image segmentation,COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,2022,102(参与作者)
- Lu Ning,Wu Yapeng,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Cheng Tao.An assessment of multi-view spectral information from UAV-based color-infrared images for improved estimation of nitrogen nutrition status in winter wheat,PRECISION AGRICULTURE,2022,23(5):1653-1674(参与作者)
- Li Dong,Chen Jing M.,Yu Weiguo,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Cao Weixing,Wei Dandan,Xiao Chenchao,Zhu Yan,Cheng Tao.Assessing a soil-removed semi-empirical model for estimating leaf chlorophyll content,Remote Sensing of Environment,2022,282(参与作者)
- Wang Wenhui,Zheng Hengbiao,Wu Yapeng,Yao Xia,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Cheng Tao.An assessment of background removal approaches for improved estimation of rice leaf nitrogen concentration with unmanned aerial vehicle multispectral imagery at various observation times,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2022,283(参与作者)
- Mustafa Ghulam,Zheng Hengbiao,Khan Imran Haider,Tian Long,Jia Haiyan,Li Guoqiang,Cheng Tao,Tian Yongchao,Cao Weixing,Zhu Yan,Yao Xia.Hyperspectral Reflectance Proxies to Diagnose In-Field Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat with Machine Learning,Remote Sensing,2022,14(12)(参与作者)
- 张羽,杨涛,马吉锋,黄宇,郑恒彪,程涛,田永超,朱艳,姚霞.数学形态学辅助下基于光谱指数的作物冠层组分分类,农业工程学报,2022,38(2022年07期):163-170(参与作者)