- 所在单位:理学院
- 学历:大学本科毕业
- 学位:农业推广硕士专业学位
- Wang Zihao, Zhao Daoyuan, Wei Qianqian, Lan Yeqing, Li Wei.Cobalt-bismuth bimetallic composite anchored on carbon derived from cigarette butts as peroxymonosulfate activator for rapid removal of chloramphenicol,CHEMOSPHERE,2023,(参与作者)
- Chun Jianlin,Li Yukun,Xie Xiaofei,Guo Kang,Zhao Daoyuan,Chen Kang,Zhu Yingguang.Photoinduced Copper-Catalyzed Enantioconvergent Remote Alkynylation via 1,4-Heteroaryl Migration,ORGANIC LETTERS,2023,25(42):7739-7744(参与作者)
- Zhao Daoyuan,Liu Yujing,Jiang Hong,Yang Haijian,Yu Huihui,Qiao Jingtang,Li Zhiwen,Jin Bing,Wu Meisheng.Insights into the Mechanism of Bipolar Electrodeposition of Au Films and Its Application in Visual Detection of Prostate Specific Antigens,BIOSENSORS-BASEL,2023,13(2)(第一作者)
- 陈露,赵道远,吴建民,尹莉丽,赵文轩,汪晶,朱伟云.橙皮苷和迷迭香酸对白羽肉鸡生长性能、肉品质及抗氧化功能的影响,南京农业大学学报,2022,(参与作者)
- 李润林,赵道远,李盼盼,雷铭康,吴佳庆,吴建民,汪晶,朱伟云.百里香酚与迷迭香酸组合对脂多糖攻毒大鼠生长性能、炎症反应和肠道健康的影响,动物营养学报,2022,34(2022年03期):2009-2022(参与作者)
- Jin Bing,Zhao Daoyuan,Yu Huihui,Liu Weishuai,Zhang Chunyong,Wu Meisheng.Rapid degradation of organic pollutants by Fe3O4@PDA/Ag catalyst in advanced oxidation process,Chemosphere,2022,307(参与作者)
- 胡平,赵道远,赵方舟,汪晶,朱伟云.The Effects of the Combination of Oral Lactoferrin and Iron Injection on Iron Homestasis, Antioxidative Abilities and Cytokines Activities of Suckling Piglets,ANIMALS,2019,9(7):-(参与作者)
- 胡平,杨怀荣,吕波,赵道远,汪晶,朱伟云.Dynamic changes of fatty acids and minerals in sow milk during lactation,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION,2019,103(2):603-611(参与作者)
- 许海波,赵道远,李玉姣,刘培亚,董长勋.Enhanced degradation of ortho-nitrochlorobenzene by the combined system of zero-valent iron reduction and persulfate oxidation in soils,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2014,21(7):5132-5140(参与作者)
- 许海波,赵道远,秦超,李玉姣,董长勋.水稻土团聚体Cu~(2+)吸附过程中铝的溶出及土壤溶液pH变化,环境科学,2014,35(1):248-253(参与作者)