Research Projects
Lead the project5items: AmongOther4items Provincial and ministerial-level1items
Participate in the project4items: AmongNational1items Provincial and ministerial-level3items
Paper Publications
- Zhou Zhibo, Ding Yongyong, Li Kexin, Zhang Fengge.Core bacterial communities dominated Purus frumentum biomass under different green manure returning amounts in saline-alkali soil,Soil Ecology Letters,2024,(Correspondence Author)
- Zhang Fengge, Zhang Zheng, Wei Zhong, Liu Hongwei.Microbiome-conferred herbicides resistance,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2024,:-(co-first author)
- Zhou Zhibo,Zhang Yingjun,Zhang Fengge.Community assembly correlates with alfalfa production by mediating rhizosphere soil microbial community composition in different planting years and regimes,PLANT AND SOIL,2022,479(1-2):355-370(Correspondence Author)
- Zhang Fengge, Zhou Zhibo, Xiao Yan.Distinct community assembly and co-existence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and diazotrophs across large-scale soil fertility to improve functions in alfalfa cultivation systems,ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2022,(First Author)
- Zhou Zhibo,Zhang Yingjun,Zhang Fengge.Abundant and rare bacteria possess different diversity and function in crop monoculture and rotation systems across regional farmland,SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY,2022,171(Correspondence Author)
- 【Patent】张风革,王召明,贾振宇,李乐,刘长涛,杨可铭,刘伟杰,张跃华,袁军,沈其荣,一株木霉菌株NAU-TL11-7 及其在燕麦生长及种子增产中的应用,
- 【Patent】张风革,许茜茜(学),肖燕,王国良(外),李昕芫(学),用于促进盐碱地苜蓿生长的促生菌及其微生物有机肥料,ZL201811271848.2,2021