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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
School/Department: College of Agriculture
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Paper Publications
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Pan Yuanyuan,Wu Wenxuan,He Jiaoyang,Zhu Jie,Su Xi,Li Wanyu,Li Dong,Yao Xia,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Tian Yongchao.A novel approach for estimating fractional cover of crops by correcting angular effect using radiative transfer models and UAV multi-angular spectral data,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2024,222(Participating authors)
Gu Yangyang,Wang Yongqing,Guo Tai,Guo Caili,Wang Xue,Jiang Chongya,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Chen Qi,Yao Xia.Assessment of the influence of UAV-borne LiDAR scan angle and flight altitude on the estimation of wheat structural metrics with different leaf angle distributions,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2024,220(Co corresponding author)
Zheng Hengbiao,Tang Weijie,Yang Tao,Zhou Meng,Guo Caili,Cheng Tao,Cao Weixing,Zhu Yan,Zhang Yunhui,Yao Xia.Grain Protein Content Phenotyping in Rice via Hyperspectral Imaging Technology and a Genome-Wide Association Study,PLANT PHENOMICS,2024,6(Co corresponding author)
Li Wanyu, He Jiaoyang, Yu Minglei, Su Xi, Wang Xue, Zheng Hengbiao, Yao Xia, Cheng Tao, Zhu Yan, Cao Weixing, Tian Yongchao.Multisource Remote Sensing Data-Driven Estimation of Rice Grain Starch Accumulation: Leveraging Matter Accumulation and Translocation Characteristics,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,2024,62:-(Participating authors)
Gu Yangyang,Wang Yongqing,Wu Yapeng,Warner Timothy A.,Guo Tai,Ai Hongxu,Zheng Hengbiao,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Yao Xia.Novel 3D photosynthetic traits derived from the fusion of UAV LiDAR point cloud and multispectral imagery in wheat,REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT,2024,311(Correspondence Author)
Li Dong,Chen Jing M.,Yu Weiguo,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Cheng Tao.A chlorophyll-constrained semi-empirical model for estimating leaf area index using a red-edge vegetation index,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2024,220(Participating authors)
Tang Yining,Pan Yuanyuan,Zhao Yuejiao,Li Xin,He Jiaoyang,Guo Caili,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Tian Yongchao.Estimating wheat partitioning coefficient using remote sensing and its coupling with a crop growth model,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2024,319(Participating authors)
Mustafa Ghulam, Zheng Hengbiao, Khan Imran Haider, Zhu Jie, Yang Tao, Wang Aiguo, Xue Bowen, He Can, Jia Haiyan, Li Guoqiang, Cheng Tao, Cao Weixing, Zhu Yan, Yao Xia.Enhancing fusarium head blight detection in wheat crops using hyperspectral indices and machine learning classifiers,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2024,218:-(Co corresponding author)
Han, X, Zhou, M, Guo, C, et al..A fully convolutional neural network model combined with a Hough transform to extract crop breeding field plots from UAV images,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,2024,132(104057)
Tao Haiyu,Zhou Ruiheng,Tang Yining,Li Wanyu,Yao Xia,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Tian Yongchao.Estimating wheat spike-leaf composite indicator (SLI) dynamics by coupling spectral indices and machine learning,CROP JOURNAL,2024,12(3):927-937(Participating authors)
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