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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
School/Department: College of Agriculture
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Paper Publications
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Guo Tai, Wang Yongqing, Gu Yangyang, Fang Yuan, Zheng Hengbiao, Zhang Xiaohu, Zhou Dong, Jiang Chongya, Cheng Tao, Zhu Yan, Cao Weixing, Yao Xia.MSCVI: An improved algorithm for mitigating LiDAR noise and occlusion effects in field wheat tiller number calculation,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2025,229:-(Co corresponding author)
Han Xiaoxu,Zhou Meng,Guo Caili,Ai Hongxu,Li Tongjie,Li Wei,Zhang Xiaohu,Chen Qi,Jiang Chongya,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Yao Xia.A fully convolutional neural network model combined with a Hough transform to extract crop breeding field plots from UAV images,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION,2024,132(Co corresponding author)
Haiyu Tao, Ruiheng Zhou, Yining Tang, Wanyu Li, Xia Yao, Tao Cheng, Yan Zhu, Weixing Cao, Yongchao Tian.Estimating wheat spike-leaf composite indicator(SLI) dynamics by coupling spectral indices and machine learning,CROP JOURNAL,2024,12(03):927-937(Participating authors)
Li Dong,Zheng Hengbiao,Yao Xia,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Cheng Tao.Assessing the Sensitivity of Semiempirical Models to Spectral Data Quality and Sensor Settings When Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content,IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING,2024,17:4062-4070(Participating authors)
Yangyang Gu , Yongqing Wang , Yapeng Wu , Timothy A. Warner , Tai Guo , Hongxu Ai , Hengbiao Zheng , Tao Cheng , Yan Zhu , Weixing Cao , Xia Yao *.Novel 3D photosynthetic traits derived from the fusion of UAV LiDAR point cloud and multispectral imager yin wheat,Remote Sensing of Environment,2024,311(114244)
Pan Yuanyuan, Li Jingyu, Zhang Jiayi, He Jiaoyang, Zhang Zhihao, Yao Xia, Cheng Tao, Zhu Yan, Cao Weixing, Tian Yongchao.Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Accumulation Considering Vertical Heterogeneity Using Multiangular Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing in Wheat,PLANT PHENOMICS,2024,6:-(Participating authors)
Zhao Yanxi,Zhang Zhihao,Tang Yining,Guo Caili,Yao Xia,Cheng Tao,Zhu Yan,Cao Weixing,Tian Yongchao.Improving the estimation accuracy of wheat maturity date by coupling WheatGrow with satellite images,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2024,160(Participating authors)
Wang, Suwan; Zhao, Jianqing; Cai, Yucheng; Li, Yan; Qi, Xuerui; Qiu, Xiaolei; Yao, Xia; Tian, Yongchao; Zhu, Yan; Cao, Weixing; Zhang, Xiaohu.A method for small-sized wheat seedlings detection: from annotation mode to model construction,PLANT METHODS,2024,20(1):-(Participating authors)
薛博文,孔媛媛,田龙,王雪,姚霞,朱艳,曹卫星,程涛.两类真菌病害的特异性叶片光谱响应与监测精度对比研究,遥感学报,2024,28(2024年10期):2485-2499(Participating authors)
Mustafa Ghulam, Zheng Hengbiao, Liu Yuhong, Yang Shihong, Khan Imran Haider, Hussain Sarfraz, Liu Jiayuan, Wu Weize, Chen Min, Cheng Tao, Zhu Yan, Yao Xia.Leveraging machine learning to discriminate wheat scab infection levels through hyperspectral reflectance and feature selection methods,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2024,(Co corresponding author)
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