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东南大学 车辆工程 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Engineering
南京农业大学 教师
Zhang Fubin,Luo Zhitao,Zheng Enlai,Han Lei,Qian Jin,Yao Haoping,Shi Yinyan,Wang Xiaochan.Imitating pangolin scale structure for reducing adhesion and resistance of rotary tillage in wet-adhesive soil,SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH,2025,245(Participating authors)
Li Xun, Luo Zhitao, Hao Zhihao, Zheng Enlai, Yao Haoping, Zhu Yue, Wang Xiaochan.Investigation on tillage resistance and soil disturbance in wet adhesive soil using discrete element method with three-layer soil-plough coupling model,POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2024,436:-(Participating authors)
Zheng Yangbin, Zhang Fubin, Luo Zhitao, Zheng Enlai, Han Lei, Qian Jin, Yao Haoping, Shi Yinyan, Wang Xiaochan.Design and optimization of volute directing plate and stubble board for enhancing liquidity and anticlogging of tillering straw in spreading operation,POWDER TECHNOLOGY,2024,(Participating authors)
Li Weixun,Zhang Fubin,Luo Zhitao,Zheng Enlai,Pan Dongchuan,Qian Jin,Yao Haoping,Wang Xiaochan.Straw movement and flow field in a crushing device based on CFD-DEM coupling with flexible hollow straw model,BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING,2024,242:140-153(Participating authors)
郝志豪,郑恩来,李勋,姚昊萍,汪小旵,钱生越,李伟勋,朱敏.免耕播种机旋耕刀耕作性能分析与结构优化,农业工程学报,2023,39(2023年02期):1-13(Participating authors)
Zhang Jinming,Yao Haoping,Chen Lizhong,Zheng Enlai,Zhu Yue,Xue Jinlin.Vibration characteristics analysis and suspension parameter optimization of tractor/implement system with front axle suspension under ploughing operation condition,Journal of Terramechanics,2022,102:49-64(Participating authors)