- 所在单位:人工智能学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 白宇豪,熊迎军,黄继超,周俊,张保华.Accurate prediction of soluble solid content of apples from multiple geographical regions by combining deep learning with spectral fingerprint features,POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY,2019,156:-(参与作者)
- 徐彦,熊迎军,杨静.脉冲神经元脉冲序列学习方法综述,计算机应用,2018,38(6):1527-(参与作者)
- Determination of soluble solid content in multi-origin 'Fuji' apples by using FT-NIR spectroscopy and an origin discriminant strategy,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2018,155:23-31(参与作者)
- 张皙雅,李小娜,张保华,周俊,田光兆,熊迎军,顾宝兴.Automated robust crop-row detection in maize fields based on position clustering algorithm and shortest path method,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2018,154:165-175(参与作者)
- 张保华,顾宝兴,田光兆,周俊,黄继超,熊迎军.Challenges and solutions of optical-based nondestructive quality inspection for robotic fruit and vegetable grading systems: A technical review,TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018,81:213-231(参与作者)
- 徐彦,熊迎军.一种基于MRⅡ算法的三层二值双向联想记忆网络,计算机工程与科学,2018,40(2):374-380(参与作者)
- 熊迎军,周俊,韦玮,沈明霞,张保华.嵌入式谷物流量传感器设计与试验,农业工程学报,2018,34(5):39-46(第一作者)
- 王浩云,王珂,李多,Nyalala Innocent Odira,熊迎军,徐焕良.Research on range-based localisation algorithm with virtual force and time synchronisation in wireless sensor and actor networks,International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems,2016,16(3):215-239(参与作者)
- 王浩云,费宇涵,刘佼佼,熊迎军,任守纲,徐焕良.A novel event detection framework for wireless sensor and actor networks,Journal of Communications,2016,11(1):1-14(参与作者)
- 陆明洲,熊迎军,李坤权,刘龙申,闫丽,丁永前,林相泽,杨晓静,沈明霞.An automatic splitting method for the adhesive piglets' gray scale image based on the ellipse shape feature,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2016,120:53-62(参与作者)