- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 张新新,陈吉,刘敬然,吕丰娟,马伊娜,王友华,周治国,陈兵林.温光互作对棉花不同空间部位纤维品质的影响,中国农业科学,2015,48(5):861-871(参与作者)
- 邹芳刚,王友华,赵文青,陈兵林,孟亚利,周治国.氮素对滨海盐土棉花产量、品质及生物量的影响,棉花学报,2015,27(3):232-240(参与作者)
- 刘静然,孟亚利,陈兵林,周治国,马伊娜,吕丰娟,陈吉,王友华.Photosynthetic characteristics of the subtending leaf and the relationships with lint yield and fiber quality in the late-planted cotton,ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM,2015,37(4):-(参与作者)
- 赵文青,陈美丽,孟亚利,陈兵林,王友华,周治国,Derrick M Oosterhuis.A model for simulating the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) embryo oil and protein accumulation under varying environmental conditions,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2015,183:79-91(参与作者)
- 邹芳刚,张国伟,王友华,赵文青,周治国.施氮量对滨海改良盐土棉花钾累积利用的影响,作物学报,2015,41(1):80-88(参与作者)
- Effects of elevated temperature on sucrose metabolism and cellulose synthesis in cotton fibre during secondary cell wall development,FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY,2015,42(9):909-919(参与作者)
- 陈吉,吕丰娟,刘敬然,马伊娜,王友华,陈兵林,孟亚利,周治国,Oosterhuis, Derrick M..Effect of Late Planting and Shading on Cellulose Synthesis during Cotton Fiber Secondary Wall Development,PLOS ONE,2014,9(8):-(参与作者)
- 蒯婕,刘昭伟,王友华,孟亚利,陈兵林,赵文青,周治国,Oosterhuis, Derrick M.Waterlogging during flowering and boll forming stages affects sucrose metabolism in the leaves subtending the cotton boll and its relationship with boll weight,PLANT SCIENCE,2014,223:79-98(参与作者)
- 郑密,孟亚利,扬长琴,周治国,王友华,陈兵林.Protein expression changes during cotton fiber elongation in response to drought stress and recovery,PROTEOMICS,2014,14(15):1776-1795(参与作者)
- The Effects of Fruiting Positions on Cellulose Synthesis and Sucrose Metabolism during Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber Development,PLOS ONE,2014,9(2):-(参与作者)