- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 虚拟仿真实验平台建设中三类非技术问题的思考与建议,高校实验室工作研究,2016,2016(03):70-73(参与作者)
- 杜祥备,陈兵林,孟亚利,赵文青,张宇晓,沈天垚,王友华,周治国.Effect of cropping system on cotton biomass accumulation and yield formation in double-cropped wheat-cotton,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT PRODUCTION,2016,10(1):29-44(参与作者)
- 王瑞,季术,张盼,孟亚利,王友华,陈兵林,周治国.Drought Effects on Cotton Yield and Fiber Quality on Different Fruiting Branches,CROP SCIENCE,2016,56(3):1265-1276(参与作者)
- 刘敬然,孟亚利,陈吉,吕丰娟,马伊娜,陈兵林,王友华,周治国,Derrick M Oosterhuis.Effect of late planting and shading on cotton yield and fiber quality formation,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2015,183:1-13(参与作者)
- 刘敬然,孟亚利,吕丰娟,陈吉,马伊娜,王友华,陈兵林,张雷,周治国.Photosynthetic characteristics of the subtending leaf of cotton boll at different fruiting branch nodes and their relationships with lint yield and fiber quality,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2015,6:-(参与作者)
- 施氮量对长江流域滨海盐土棉花氮素吸收利用的影响,植物营养与肥料学报,2015,21(5):1150-1158(参与作者)
- 胡伟,杨佳蒴,孟亚利,王友华,陈兵林,赵文青, Oosterhuis, Derrick M,周治国.Potassium application affects carbohydrate metabolism in the leaf subtending the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) boll and its relationship with boll biomass,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2015,179:120-131(参与作者)
- 蒯婕,周治国,王友华,孟亚利,陈兵林,赵文青.The effects of short-term waterlogging on the lint yield and yield components of cotton with respect to boll position,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2015,67:61-74(参与作者)
- 郭林涛,徐波,周治国,赵文青,王友华.棉纤维发育响应高温胁迫的关键时间窗口,应用生态学报,2015,26(8):2428-2436(通讯作者)
- 宋光雷,睢宁,余超然,张凡,孟亚利,陈兵林,赵文青,王友华.秸秆还田替代化学钾肥对棉麦轮作中棉仁油分累积的效应,作物学报,2015,41(10):1548-1556(通讯作者)