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中国农业大学农学院硕博连读博士毕业 作物栽培学与耕作学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
中国农业大学生物学院植物生理与生物化学专业本科毕业 University graduated
南京农业大学农学院 教师
Zhu Honghai, Hu Wei, Li Yuxia, Zou Jie, He Jiaqi, Wang Youhua, Meng Yali, Chen Binglin, Zhao Wenqing, Wang Shanshan, Zhou Zhiguo.Drought decreases cotton fiber strength by altering sucrose flow route.,Journal of experimental botany,2024,:-(Participating authors)
Yang Liuyan,Duan Jiahao,Liu Yu,Hu Wei,Liu Xingke,Wang Youhua,Zhou Zhiguo,Zhao Wenqing.Changes in carbohydrate distribution in cotton photosynthetic organs and increase in boll weight reduce yield loss under high temperature,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,75(11):3483-3499(Participating authors)
Zhu Honghai, Hu Wei, Li Yuxia, Zou Jie, He Jiaqi, Wang Youhua, Meng Yali, Chen Binglin, Zhao Wenqing, Wang Shanshan, Zhou Zhiguo.Drought decreases cotton fiber strength by altering sucrose flow route.,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,:-(Participating authors)
Zhu Honghai,Hu Wei,Li Yuxia,Zou Jie,He Jiaqi,Wang Youhua,Meng Yali,Chen Binglin,Zhao Wenqing,Wang Shanshan,Zhou Zhiguo.Drought decreases cotton fiber strength by altering sucrose flow route,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,(Participating authors)
顾银河,赵文青,史代伟,胡伟,王珊珊,周治国,王友华.玉米抗寒性及其在低温条件下优化糖组分能力的相关性研究,中国农业科学,2024,57(2024年19期):3770-3783(Correspondence Author)
Du Kang,Zhao Wenqing,Lv Zhiwei,Xu Bo,Hu Wei,Zhou Zhiguo,Wang Youhua.Optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizer improves maize grain yield by delaying the senescence of ear leaves and thereby altering their nitrogen remobilization,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2024,310(Correspondence Author)
陈吉(学),胡伟,蒯婕(学),李蔚(外),李文峰(学),刘敬然(学),刘瑞显(学),吕丰娟(学),马溶慧(学),马伊娜(学),孟亚利,陈兵林,束红梅(学),睢宁(学),王瑞(学),王海苗(学),王乐然(学),王珊珊,王友华,吴悠(学),杨长琴(学),杨洪坤(学),陈德华(外),杨佳蒴(学),余超然(学),张雷(学),张祥 (外),张国伟(学),张文静(学),张馨月(学),张志刚(外),赵文青,郑密(学),陈美丽(学),郑曙峰(学),周治国,Zahoor Rizwan(学),陈英龙(学),戴艳娇(学),杜祥备(学),高相彬(学),郭文琦(学),棉花生理生态与产量品质形成[Monograph]科学出版社,2018