Senior Lab Master
- School/Department: College of Plant Protection
- Education Level:Graduate with a professional diploma
- Degree:Professional Master's Degree in Agriculture Promotion
- Professional Title:Senior Lab Master
- Alma Mater:南京农业大学成教夜大
Scientific Research
Research Projects
Paper Publications
- Zhan Enling,Jiang Jie,Wang Ying,Zhang Kexin,Tang Tao,Chen Yiqu,Jia Zhongqiang,Wang Qiuxia,Zhao Chunqing.Shisa reduces the sensitivity of homomeric RDL channel to GABA in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2023,192(Participating authors)
- Zhang Hao-Miao, Wang Xiao-Fang, Luo Guang-Hua, Han Xiang-Yu, Wang Qiu-Xia, Han Zhao-Jun, Wu Min.Application of piggyBac transposon AgoPLE1. 1 in germline transformation of Drosophila melanogaster,Acta Entomologica Sinica,2021,64(6):676-681(Participating authors)
- 张浩淼,王晓芳,罗光华,韩湘豫,王秋霞,韩召军,吴敏.piggyBac转座子AgoPLE1.1在黑腹果蝇种系转化中的应用,昆虫学报,2021,64(6):676-681(Participating authors)
- 王芮,张浩淼,邓蕾,肖倩倩,王秋霞,刘广娜,韩召军,吴敏.灰飞虱羧酸酯酶LsCarE1 介导杀虫剂抗性,昆虫学报,2017,60(9):1006-1012(Participating authors)
- 徐志胜,马静,王枫,马洪雨,王秋霞,熊爱生.Identification and characterization of DcUCGalT1, a galactosyltransferase responsible for anthocyanin galactosylation in purple carrot (Daucus carota L.) taproots,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(Participating authors)