Research Projects
Lead the project21items: AmongPrefectural1items National6items Other6items Provincial and ministerial-level8items
Paper Publications
- 陈喜, 陆建珍, 王凯, 王海涛, 江艳军.农旅融合对农业劳动生产率影响的实证检验以全国休闲农业与乡村旅游示范县为例,中国农业资源与区划,2023,44(5):155-163(Correspondence Author)
- Jiang Yanjun,Zhang Yue,Brenya Robert,Wang Kai.How environmental decentralization affects the synergy of pollution and carbon reduction: Evidence based on pig breeding in China,HELIYON,2023,9(11):1(Participating authors)
- Chen Xi,Qi Yingjun,Wang Kai,Xing Lirong.Does farmer entrepreneurship promote willingness to participate in domestic waste management? An empirical analysis from China,JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT,2023,25(4):2037-2048(Correspondence Author)
- Chen Xi,Xing Lirong,Wang Kai,Lu Jianzhen.How does digital governance affect the level of domestic waste separation for rural residents? Empirical evidence from rural areas in Jiangsu Province, China,FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH,2023,11:0(Participating authors)
- Chen Xi,Xing Lirong,Zhou Junting,Wang Kai,Lu Jianzhen,Han Xiqiu.Spatial and temporal evolution and driving factors of county solid waste harmless disposal capacity in China,FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,2023,10:0(Correspondence Author)