Lecturer (Higher Education Institution)
- School/Department: College of Humanities & Social Development
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
- Degree:艺术硕士专业学位
- Professional Title:Lecturer (Higher Education Institution)
- Alma Mater:中国人民解放军艺术学院
Scientific Research
Research Projects
Paper Publications
- Gao Yunlong, Liu Jinxin, Fang Yi, Xu Xinming, Wang Fei, Tang Yijun, Yin Di, Cookson Adrian L., Zhu Weiyun, Mao Shengyong, Zhong Rongzhen.Straw-based compost cultivation disproportionally contributes to the environmental persistence of antibiotic resistance from raw cattle manure to organic vegetables,MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH,2024,278:-(Participating authors)
- Gao Yunlong, Liu Jinxin, Fang Yi, Xu Xinming, Wang Fei, Tang Yijun, Yin Di, Cookson Adrian L, Zhu Weiyun, Mao Shengyong, Zhong Rongzhen.Straw-based compost cultivation disproportionally contributes to the environmental persistence of antibiotic resistance from raw cattle manure to organic vegetables.,Microbiological research,2024,278:127540-127540(Participating authors)
- Wang Yun, Liu Yuting, Zhang Yue, Sun Xiaolei, Wang Fei, Xie Zhihua, Qi Kaijie, Sun Xun, Zhang Shaoling.PbrATG6 modulates reactive oxygen species metabolism and interacts with PbrTLP15 synergistic enhancement of pear resistance to Botryosphaeria dothidea.,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2024,(Participating authors)
- 王菲.生态式公共艺术课程教改研究----以音乐为例,艺术评鉴,2016,5(08/2016):188-119(First and corresponding author)
- 王菲.《军旅歌曲热爱艺术研究》,音乐时空,2014,473(2014|18):196-119(First and corresponding author)
Published Books
- 季中扬,赵峻(外),杨旺生,薛慧(外)(学),伍洁,陈丽竹,沈镝,陈仕国(外),李燕,周辉国,殷昊罡,王誉茜(学),孙蔚蔚(外),李德金,王菲,陈学元,孙跃,西方戏剧经典作品选讲[教材]南京大学出版社,2015