陶亚奇,女, 1978 年 8 月出生,江苏南通人,中共党员,毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所获土壤学博士学位,理学院副教授,化学系主任。2003 年 6 月至今一直在南京农业大学理学院教师岗位上,期间于 2011 年 9-2013 年 8 月受学校组织部委派作为江苏省第四、五批科技镇长团的一员赴常州金坛市薛埠镇工作。
中国科学院南京土壤研究所 土壤学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Science
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Tao Yaqi.Anderson localization in one-dimensional systems signified by localization tensor,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2022,455(First and corresponding author)
陶亚奇.Exploring Anderson localization in one-dimensional single-electron lattice systems via randomness of eigenvalue spectra,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2021,385:-(First and corresponding author)
陶亚奇.Witnessing the quasiperiodic-ordering transition of one-dimensional k-component Fibonacci sequences,PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2017,473:40-44(First and corresponding author)
蒋红梅,刘伟,刘一锋,陶亚奇,余友杰,练鸿振.Comparative study of adsorption of Pb(II) on native garlic peel and mercerized garlic peel,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2014,21(3):2054-2063(Participating authors)
陶亚奇,蒋卓睿,陈雪.类Fenton试剂处理苯酚废水的影响因素及动力学研究,南京农业大学学报,2012,35(4):126-129(First and corresponding author)
陶亚奇,蒋新,卞永荣,杨兴伦,王芳.Transport of Malathion in Homogeneous Soil Liquid Chromatographic Columns: Influence of Nonequilibrium Sorption,VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL,2009,8(1):42-51(First Author)