- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 潘振朋,侍婷,Shahid,高志红.梅雌蕊激光捕获显微切割体系及微量RNA提取方法的建立,果树学报,2020,37(10):1584-1592(参与作者)
- 高志红,侍婷,倪照君,潘振朋,倪晓鹏.梅种质资源与分子生物学研究进展,南京农业大学学报,2019,42(6):975-985(参与作者)
- 吴欣欣,侍婷,Iqbal Shahid,张勇,刘琳,高志红.Genome-wide discovery and characterization of flower development related long non-coding RNAs in Prunus mume,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2019,19:-(参与作者)
- 侍婷,罗文杰,李涵韬,黄霄,倪照君,高海东,Iqbal Shahid,高志红.Association between blooming time and climatic adaptation in Prunus mume,ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2019,10(1):292-306(第一作者)
- 薛松,侍婷,罗文杰,倪晓鹏,Iqbal Shahid,倪照君,黄霄,姚丹,沈志军,高志红.Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome among Prunus mume, P. armeniaca, and P. salicina,HORTICULTURE RESEARCH,2019,6:-(参与作者)
- 姚丹,倪晓鹏,侍婷,倪照君,渠慎春,高志红.果梅NAC基因家族的鉴定及组织表达分析,核农学报,2019,33(2):226-239(参与作者)
- 侍婷,Sun, Jie,吴欣欣, Weng, Jinyang, Wang, Pengkai, Qie, Hongli,Huang, Yinghong, Wang, Huakun,高志红.Transcriptome analysis of Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. et Zucc.) fruit treated with heat and 1-MCP,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2018,133(0):40-49(第一作者)
- 薛华柏,张普娟,侍婷,杨健,王龙,王苏珂,张艳丽,张慧蓉,乔玉山,李修根.Genome-wide characterization of simple sequence repeats in Pyrus bretschneideri and their application in an analysis of genetic diversity in pear,BMC GENOMICS,2018,19:-(参与作者)
- 梅PmmiR319a与靶基因PmTCP2的验证与表达分析,核农学报,2018,32(10):1908-1916(参与作者)
- 王万许,侍婷,倪晓鹏,许延帅,渠慎春,高志红.The role of miR319a and its target gene TCP4 in the regulation of pistil development in Prunus mume,GENOME,2018,61(1):43-48(参与作者)