教授 博士生导师
(1) 具身智能机器人及智能装备关键技术;(2) 机理大模型与快速无损检测关键技术。
卢伟,教授/博士生导师,分别于2005年和2012年在东南大学机器人实验室获得硕士和博士学位,2016年9月至2017年10月为美国密歇根州立大学访问学者。主要从事具身智能特种机器人和机理大模型快速无损检测的技术研究及产业化应用,围绕机器人“光-机-电-算-软-控”的各关键领域展开深入研究及研发积累。现为江苏省园艺工程分会副理事长,江苏省仪器仪表学会理事,江苏省自动化学会理事,江苏省人工智能学会机器人专委会委员,江苏省康复工程与转化委员会委员等。获得2014年江苏省科学技术一等奖(人机交互力反馈遥操作机器人关键技术及应用),2016年教育部技术发明一等奖(力触觉临场感机器人关键技术),2016年度《农业机械学报》优秀论文奖,2014-2018年度中国农业机械学会先进工作者,等。获得部省级人才及成果奖3项,主持国家自然基金面上项目、江苏省重点研发等各类纵向项目13项,累计在IEEE JAS、IEEE TIM、CEA等期刊发表SCI、EI论文50余篇,授权发明专利十余项。研究成果基于具身智能的蘑菇采摘机器人、智能驾驶机器人、禽蛋无损分选智能机器人流水线、5G遥操作力感力控绘画机器人等受到央视等媒体报道,薄膜视觉高精度(50微米@0.6m/s)在线智能检测、陶瓷/玻璃瓶质量在线检测等已在工业产线应用。指导学生获得“挑战杯”等各类科技竞赛奖项百余项。
Dr. LU Wei, Professor / Doctoral Supervisor, obtained his master's and doctoral degrees from the Robotics Laboratory of Southeast University in 2005 and 2012 respectively. From September 2016 to October 2017, he was a visiting scholar at Michigan State University in the United States. He is mainly engaged in the technical research and industrial application of special intelligent robots and rapid non-destructive testing, and has carried out in-depth research and R & D accumulation in various key fields of robots, including "optics - mechanics - electronics - computing - software - control". Currently, he is the vice chairman of the Horticultural Engineering Branch of Jiangsu Province, a director of the Jiangsu Instrument and Meter Society, a director of the Jiangsu Automation Society, a member of the Robotics Professional Committee of the Jiangsu Artificial Intelligence Society, and a member of the Jiangsu Rehabilitation Engineering and Transformation Committee. He won the First Prize of Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Award in 2014 (Key Technologies and Applications of Human-Computer Interaction Force Feedback Teleoperation Robots), the First Prize of the Ministry of Education's Technological Invention Award in 2016 (Key Technologies of Force and Tactile Telepresence Robots), the Excellent Paper Award of Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery in 2016, and was named an Advanced Worker of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery from 2014 - 2018. He has won 3 provincial and ministerial talent and achievement awards, presided over 13 vertical projects such as the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation and key research and development projects in Jiangsu Province. He has published more than 50 SCI and EI indexed papers in journals such as IEEE JAS, IEEE TIM, and CEA, and has authorized more than ten invention patents. Research achievements such as mushroom picking robots, intelligent driving robots, intelligent robot assembly lines for non-destructive sorting of eggs, and 5G teleoperation force-sensing and force-control painting robots have been reported by media such as CCTV. High-precision (50 microns @ 0.6m/s) online intelligent film vision inspection, and online quality inspection of ceramics/glass bottles have been applied in industrial production assembly lines. He has guided students to win more than 100 awards in various scientific and technological competitions such as the "Challenge Cup".
Each year, he enrolls 1 - 2 doctoral students and 4 master's students. Students who have a strong interest in artificial intelligence, robotics, and intelligent equipment, possess good moral character, high internal drive, a positive and enterprising spirit, and a team spirit, and are determined to pursue excellence in academic or engineering capabilities are welcome to apply.
东南大学 仪器科学及技术 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
东南大学 测试计量技术及仪器 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位
人工智能学院 党委副书记