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浙江大学 农业昆虫与害虫防治 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
河南农业大学生物工程学院昆虫学专业硕士毕业 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
河南农业大学植保系植物保护专业本科毕业 University graduated
河南省植保站 病虫害测报
寄生蜂与寄主关系。目前以卵寄生蜂为研究对象,开展两方面的研究: 寄生蜂资源的挖掘及寄生能力评价、寄生蜂搜寻及成功寄生寄主的机制
Wang Jie, Di Ning, Huang He-Xi, Trumble John T., Jaworski Coline C., Wang Su, Desneux Nicolas, Li Yuan-Xi.Cadmium triggers hormesis in rice moth Corcyra cephalonica but different effects on two Trichogramma egg parasitoids,ENTOMOLOGIA GENERALIS,2024,44(1):233-233(Co corresponding author)
Yan Zhi-chao,Li Fang-yi,Wang Ao-kai,Wang Cheng-xing,Wang Hai-yan,Yu Ze-qi,Wang Ke-peng,Wang Yi-han,Luo Yuan-yuan,Li Yuan-xi.Assessing RNAi feasibility and susceptibility to environmental RNAi in Trichogramma dendrolimi,ENTOMOLOGIA GENERALIS,2024,44(3):663-672(Correspondence Author)
Li Xiaowei,Chen Tingting,Chen Limin,Ren Jie,Ullah Farman,Yi Songwang,Pan Yuhan,Zhou Shuxing,Guo Wenchao,Fu Kaiyun,Li Yuan-Xi,Lu Yaobin.Trichogramma chilonis is a promising biocontrol agent against Tuta absoluta in China: results from laboratory and greenhouse experiments,ENTOMOLOGIA GENERALIS,2024,44(2):357-365(Co corresponding author)
Ding Yinhuan, Jin Jianfeng, Fang Mingli, Li Yuanxi, Yan Zhichao.A chromosomal-level genome assembly of Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae),SCIENTIFIC DATA,2024,(Participating authors)
Wang Cheng-Xing,Bao Hui-Qiao,Yan Zhi-Chao,Wang Jie,Wang Su,Li Yuan-Xi.Knockdown of vitellogenin receptor based on minute insect RNA interference methods affects the initial mature egg load in the pest natural enemy Trichogramma dendrolimi,INSECT SCIENCE,2024,(Correspondence Author)
Liu Sha,Yan Zhi-Chao,Zhou Feng-Wen,Wang Cheng-Xing,Li Yuan-Xi.Relationship between parasitism and morphology of Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae),JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY,2024,117(1):93-101(Correspondence Author)
洪晓月,胡春林,李元喜,娄永根(外),徐志宏(外),余虹(外),张茂新(外),陆永跃(外),刘小侠(外),蔡青年(外),杜予洲(外),丁锦华,祝树德(外),黄东林(外),李绍勤(外),蔡万伦(外),林华峰(外),李世广(外),江俊起(外),曾爱平(外),杨中侠(外),薛芳森(外),施祖华(外),施婉君(外),曾 玲(外),张青文(外),杨益众(外),张宏宁(外),李佳亭(外),文礼章(外),农业昆虫学[教材]农业出版社,2007