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加拿大麦吉尔大学 土壤学 The graduate student is educated 无学位
南京农业大学 土壤学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
南京农业大学 土壤学 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's degree
江西农业大学 农业资源与环境 UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Bachelor's degree
南京农业大学 专任教师
南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 师资博士后
1. 土壤动物(线虫和蚯蚓)与生态系统多功能2. 土壤动物-微生物(根际促生菌和病原菌) 的互作机制
Li Gen, Li Xianping, Liu Ting.Reassessing soil nematode diversity under fertilization in a paddy-upland rotation system,APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY,2024,195:-(Participating authors)
Li Gen, Liu Ting, Xie Wangliang, Liu Zhenzhen, Li Huixin, Whalen Joann K, Jousset Alexandre, Wei Zhong.Metabolites limiting predator growth wane with prey biodiversity.,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2024,121(52):e2410210121-e2410210121(Correspondence Author)
Li Gen, Liu Ting, Whalen Joann K., Wei Zhong.Nematodes: an overlooked tiny engineer of plant health,TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2024,29(1):52-63(Common identity and common communication)
Ma Quanhui,Zhu Yu,Chen Ying,Wu Wenjia,Qing Xue,Liu Ting,Li Yibo,Wang Yao,Li Yanan,Wang Deli,Liu Jushan,Wang Ling.Simplified estimates of soil nematode body mass using maximum diameter: Insights from large-scale grasslands across China,SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY,2024,191(Participating authors)
程刘竹,朱柏菁,成艳红,万兵兵,刘婷,陶邑恒,陈小云,胡锋,刘满强.生物质炭与化肥减量配施对红壤线虫群落特征的影响,土壤学报,2024,(Participating authors)
Liu Ting,Cheng Liuzhu,Cheng Yanhong,Tian Shanyi,Chen Xiaoyun,Whalen Joann K.,Liu Manqiang.Biochar enhances multifunctionality by increasing the uniformity of energy flow through a soil nematode food web,SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY,2023,183(Participating authors)