法国国家农业食品与环境研究院 Doctoral degree
西北农林大学 农业水土工程专业 Master's Degree in Engineering
黑龙江大学 农业水利工程专业 Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
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南京农业大学 教授
法国国家农业食品与环境研究院 博士后
研发大田高通量表型设备及算法,挖掘作物高产优质抗逆表型性状; 探讨作物关键性状的基因-环境互作机理,研发三维机理模型; 融合多源近地-遥感监测和作物三维模型,提升由基因型到表型的预测能力。
Tian Luxu,Fang Zhengxin,Jiang Haoyu,Liu Shouyang,Zhang Hongwen,Fu Xiuqing.Evaluation of tomato seed full-time sequence germination vigor based on improved YOLOv8s,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2025,230(Participating authors)
Dong Mingxia,Liu Shouyang,Jiang Ruibo,Qi Jianbo,de Solan Benoit,Comar Alexis,Li Linyuan,Li Wenjuan,Ding Yanfeng,Baret Frederic.Comparing and combining data-driven and model-driven approaches to monitor wheat green area index with high spatio-temporal resolution satellites,REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT,2024,305(Correspondence Author)
Zhu Chen,Liu Shouyang,Parent Boris,Yin Xiaogang,de Solan Benoit,Jiang Dong,Ding Yanfeng,Baret Fred.Genotype x environment x management analysis to define allometric rules between leaves and stems in wheat,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,(Co corresponding author)
Gao Yangmingrui,Li Linyuan,Weiss Marie,Guo Wei,Shi Ming,Lu Hao,Jiang Ruibo,Ding Yanfeng,Nampally Tejasri,Rajalakshmi P.,Liu Shouyang.Bridging real and simulated data for cross-spatial- resolution vegetation segmentation with application to rice crops,ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING,2024,218:133-150(Correspondence Author)
Liu Ruowen,Li Pengyan,Li Zejun,Liu Zhenghui,Ding Yanfeng,Li Wenjuan,Liu Shouyang.Bio-Master: Design and Validation of a High-Throughput Biochemical Profiling Platform for Crop Canopies,PLANT PHENOMICS,2023,5(Co corresponding author)
Gao Yangmingrui,Li Yinglun,Jiang Ruibo,Zhan Xiaohai,Lu Hao,Guo Wei,Yang Wanneng,Ding Yanfeng,Liu Shouyang.Enhancing Green Fraction Estimation in Rice and Wheat Crops: A Self-Supervised Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Approach,Plant Phenomics,2023,5(Correspondence Author)