主持项目4项:其中地市级1项 国家级2项 其他1项
参与项目6项:其中国家级5项 其他1项
- Wu Jiayi,Liu Jingjing,Jiang Li,Chen Sumei,Chen Fadi,Jiang Yifan.Diversity and dose-dependent allelopathic potential of volatile sesquiterpenes from root extracts of Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2024,327(共同第一作者)
- Guan Yaqin,Jiang Li,Wang You,Liu Guanhua,Wu Jiayi,Luo Hong,Chen Sumei,Chen Fadi,Niinemets Uelo,Chen Feng,Jiang Yifan.CmMYC2-CmMYBML1 module orchestrates the resistance to herbivory by synchronously regulating the trichome development and constitutive terpene biosynthesis in Chrysanthemum,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2024,(共同第一作者)
- Jiang Li,Ren Yuepeng,Jiang Yifan,Hu Shasha,Wu Jiayi,Wang Guangdong.Characterization of NF-Y gene family and their expression and interaction analysis in Phalaenopsis orchid,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2023,204(第一作者)
- 陈业臻,季京京,蒋励,王广东.不同氮磷钾配比对蝴蝶兰开花的影响,亚热带植物科学,2022,51(2022年06期):451-458(参与作者)
- Jiang Li,Fu Yanxia,Tian Xingkai,Ma Yuehua,Chen Fadi,Wang Guangdong.The Anthurium APRR2-like Gene Promotes Photosynthetic Pigment Accumulation in Response to Salt Stress,TROPICAL PLANT BIOLOGY,2022,15(1):12-21(第一作者)