- 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 农学博士学位
- 顾冕,陈爱群,徐国华.植物缺磷及菌根信号转导网络,南京农业大学学报,2012,35(5):133-146(第一作者)
- 孙淑斌,顾冕,曹越,黄新朋,张晓,艾鹏慧,赵建宁,范晓荣,徐国华.A Constitutive Expressed Phosphate Transporter, OsPht1;1, Modulates Phosphate Uptake and Translocation in Phosphate-Replete Rice,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2012,159(4):1571-1581(参与作者)
- 孙淑斌,王晶晶,朱铃铃,廖德华,顾冕,任丽轩,Kapulnik,徐国华.An Active Factor from Tomato Root Exudates Plays an Important Role in Efficient Establishment of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis,PLOS ONE,2012,7(8):-(参与作者)
- qinl,赵静,tianj,chenly,sunza,guoyx,lux,顾冕,徐国华,廖红.The High-Affinity Phosphate Transporter GmPT5 Regulates Phosphate Transport to Nodules and Nodulation in Soybean,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2012,159(4):1634-1643(参与作者)
- 张瑞萍,刘赣,吴娜,顾冕,曾后清,朱毅勇,徐国华.Adaptation of plasma membrane H(+) ATPase and H(+) pump to P deficiency in rice roots,PLANT AND SOIL,2011,349(1月2日):3-11(参与作者)
- Identification of two conserved cis-acting elements, MYCS and P1BS, involved in the regulation of mycorrhiza-activated phosphate transporters in eudicot species,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2011,189(4):1157-1169(参与作者)
- 贾宏昉,任红艳,顾冕,赵建宁,孙淑斌,张晓,陈婕妤,吴平,徐国华.The Phosphate Transporter Gene OsPht1;8 Is Involved in Phosphate Homeostasis in Rice,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2011,156(3):1164-1175(参与作者)
- 吴洪生,汪洋,Zhang CY,顾冕,刘艳霞,Chen G,Wang JH,唐珠,茆泽圣,沈其荣.Physiological and biochemical responses of in vitro Fusarium oxysporum f.sp niveum to benzoic acid,FOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA,2009,54(2):115-122(参与作者)