- 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 农学博士学位
- 刘俊丽,刘健健,陈爱群,季敏杰,陈家栋,杨晓锋,顾冕,瞿红叶,徐国华.Analysis of tomato plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene family suggests a mycorrhiza-mediated regulatory mechanism conserved in diverse plant species,MYCORRHIZA,2016,26(7):645-656(参与作者)
- 顾冕,陈爱群,孙淑斌,徐国华.Complex Regulation of Plant Phosphate Transporters and the Gap between Molecular Mechanisms and Practical Application: What Is Missing?,MOLECULAR PLANT,2016,9(3):396-416(第一作者)
- 廖德华,刘俊丽,刘健健,杨晓锋,陈潇,顾冕,陈爱群.植物激素响应和调控丛枝菌根共生研究进展,植物营养与肥料学报,2016,22(6):1679-1689(参与作者)
- 李依婷,张骏,张晓,范红梅,顾冕,瞿红叶,徐国华.Phosphate transporter OsPht1;8 in rice plays an important role in phosphorus redistribution from source to sink organs and allocation between embryo and endosperm of seeds,PLANT SCIENCE,2015,230:23-32(参与作者)
- 廖德华,陈潇,陈爱群,王慧敏,刘健健,刘俊丽,顾冕,孙淑斌,徐国华.The Characterization of Six Auxin-Induced Tomato GH3 Genes Uncovers a Member, SlGH3.4, Strongly Responsive to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis,PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY,2015,56(4):674-687(参与作者)
- 陈爱群,陈潇,王慧敏,廖德华,顾冕,瞿红叶,孙淑斌,徐国华.Genome-wide investigation and expression analysis suggest diverse roles and genetic redundancy of Pht1 family genes in response to Pi deficiency in tomato,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2014,14:-(参与作者)
- Identification of microRNAs in six solanaceous plants and their potential link with phosphate and mycorrhizal signalings,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY,2014,56(12):1164-1178(第一及通讯作者)
- 李依婷,顾冕,张晓,张军,范红梅,李盼盼,李兆富,徐国华.Engineering a sensitive visual-tracking reporter system for real-time monitoring phosphorus deficiency in tobacco,PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL,2014,12(6):674-684(参与作者)
- 张芳,艾昊,王丹凤,曹越,史书林,顾冕,孙淑斌,徐国华.磷转运蛋白OsPT6在水稻武育粳7号苗期磷素吸收利用中的作用,中国水稻科学,2014,28(1):1-8(参与作者)
- 史书林,王丹凤,颜彦,张芳,王化敦,顾冕,孙淑斌,徐国华.水稻磷转运蛋白OsPHT2;1在提高磷素利用率方面的作用,中国水稻科学,2013,27(5):457-465(参与作者)