主要从事统计基因组的方法研究工作,特别是植物抗性性状分类数据基因检测方法的探索。承担相关项目包括国家自然科学基金 1 项,中央高校项目 1 项,南京农业大学青年创新项目 1 项。目前已经在 PLoS ONE、Heredity、SCIENTIFICREPORTS 等期刊发表相关论文。
南京农业大学 生物信息学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Science
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南京农业大学农学院 教师
Yang Ming,Wen Yangjun,Zheng Jinchang,Zhang Jin,Zhao Tuanjie,Feng Jianying.Improving power of genome-wide association studies via transforming ordinal phenotypes into continuous phenotypes,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2023,14(Correspondence Author)
张小利,丁文涛,薛冬,李向楠,周扬,沈甲诚,冯建英,郭娜,邱丽娟,邢邯,赵晋铭.Genome-wide association studies of plant architecture-related traits and 100-seed weight in soybean landraces,BMC GENOMIC DATA,2021,22(1):-(Participating authors)
温阳俊,冯建英,张瑾.多位点关联分析方法学的研究进展,南京农业大学学报,2021,45(2022年01期):1-10(Participating authors)
王晓婷,黄鹭,卞晓春,李展,高瑞芳,张星,张小利,李向楠,王海棠,郭娜,冯建英,赵晋铭,邢邯.Functional analysis of the soybean gene GmTIR under biotic and abiotic stresses,CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE,2020,71(1):47-55(Participating authors)
温阳俊,张亚雯,张瑾,冯建英,章元明.The improved FASTmrEMMA and GCIM algorithms for genome-wide association and linkage studies in large mapping populations,CROP JOURNAL,2020,8(5):723-732(Participating authors)
Identification of quantitative trait nucleotides and candidate genes for soybean seed weight by multiple models of genome-wide association study,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2020,20(1):-(Co corresponding author)