- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 张毅华,程鹏飞,王军,Dyaaaldin Abdalmegeed,李莹,吴茫腾,戴琛,万书贝,管荣展,浦惠明,沈文飚.Nitric Oxide Is Associated With Heterosis of Salinity Tolerance in Brassica napus L.,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021,12:-(参与作者)
- Miao Zhiwei,Ding Kang,Jin Shuyin,Dai Lin,Dai Chen,Li Xiang.Using serum peptidomics to discovery the diagnostic marker for different stage of ulcerative colitis,JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS,2021,193:-(通讯作者)
- Zuo Jinjiao,Cao Yanan,Wang Zhisheng,Shah Abid Ullah,Wang Wenlei,Dai Chen,Chen Mingjia,Lin Jian,Yang Qian.The mechanism of antigen-presentation of avian bone marrowed dendritic cells suppressed by infectious bronchitis virus,GENOMICS,2021,113(4):1719-1732(参与作者)
- 戴琛,Wang, Shuang,De Souza, Cristabelle,Li, You-Ying,Zhou, Chuang,Qiu, Reng,Xu, Xiao-Zhou,Zhou, Hong-Lei,武毅.Chemical constituents and chemotaxonomic study of Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora maxim,BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2021,94:-(第一作者)
- 周昌瑜,唐长波,王冲,戴琛,白云,于小波,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏,曹锦轩.Insights into the evolution of myosin light chain isoforms and its effect on sensory defects of dry-cured ham,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,315:-(参与作者)
- 方东路,郑子萌,马宁,杨文建,戴琛,赵明文,邓子龙,胡秋辉,赵立艳.Label-free proteomic quantification of packaged Flammulina filiformis during commercial storage,POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY,2020,169:-(参与作者)
- 崔为体,姚萍,潘进成,戴琛,曹宏,陈芷郁,张诗婷,徐晟,沈文飚.Transcriptome analysis reveals insight into molecular hydrogen-induced cadmium tolerance in alfalfa: the prominent role of sulfur and (homo)glutathione metabolism,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2020,20(1):-(参与作者)
- 邹小雨,何静,赵迪,张敏,谢允婷,戴琛,王冲,李春保.Structural Changes and Evolution of Peptides During Chill Storage of Pork,FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION,2020,7:-(参与作者)
- Chemical and biological characteristics of hydrolysate of crucian carp swim bladder: Focus on preventing ulcerative colitis,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS,2020,75:-(第一作者)
- 周昌瑜,王冲,戴琛,白云,于小波,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏,曹锦轩.iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic characterizes the salting exudates of Jinhua ham during the salting process,FOOD CONTROL,2019,100:189-197(参与作者)