- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 周昌瑜,王冲,唐长波,戴琛,白云,于小波,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏,曹锦轩.Label-free proteomics reveals the mechanism of bitterness and adhesiveness in Jinhua ham,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,297:-(参与作者)
- 王冲,谢允婷,王惠源,白云,戴琛,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏.Phenolic compounds in beer inhibit formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from charcoal-grilled chicken wings,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,294:578-586(参与作者)
- 王冲,谢允婷,王惠源,白云,戴琛,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏.The influence of natural antioxidants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in charcoal-grilled chicken wings,FOOD CONTROL,2019,98:34-41(参与作者)
- 汪瑾,戴琛,张小倩,卢亚萍.Elucidating the molecular mechanism of the inhibitory effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Microcystis aeruginosa,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY,2018,30(3):1747-1758(参与作者)
- 邹小雨,周光宏,于小波,白云,王冲,徐幸莲,戴琛,李春保.In vitro protein digestion of pork cuts differ with muscle type,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2018,106:344-353(参与作者)
- 王芳权,杨杰,戴琛,武明珠,张毅华,沈文飚.Characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana heme oxygenase 1 promoter in response to salinity, iron deficiency, and mercury exposure,BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2017,61(1):35-47(参与作者)
- 王超,黄子信,俞克权,丁锐灵,叶可萍,戴琛,徐幸莲,周光宏,李春保.High-Salt Diet Has a Certain Impact on Protein Digestion and Gut Microbiota: A Sequencing and Proteome Combined Study,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2017,8:-(参与作者)
- 刘勇男,鲁笑笑,戴琛,卢亚萍,任昂,师亮,朱静,姜爱良,于汉寿,赵明文.Phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid mediate heat stress induced secondary metabolism in Ganoderma lucidum,ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2017,19(11):4657-4669(参与作者)
- 陈雪婷,纪俊宾,赵雷真,邱吉国,戴琛,王伟武,何健,蒋建东,洪青,闫新.Molecular Mechanism and Genetic Determinants of Buprofezin Degradation,APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2017,83(18):-(参与作者)
- 戴琛,崔为体,潘进成,谢彦杰,汪瑾,沈文飚.Proteomic analysis provides insights into the molecular bases of hydrogen gas-induced cadmium resistance in Medicago sativa,JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS,2017,152(0):109-120(第一作者)