Research Projects
Lead the project3items: AmongNational1items Other1items School discipline1items
Participate in the project2items: AmongNational2items
Paper Publications
- Lei Shanshan,Zhu Yaolong,Jia Weiyu,Zhang Jing,Chi Yingjun,Xu Bin.A protoplast-based transient gene expression assay for the identification of heat and oxidative stress-regulatory genes in perennial ryegrass,PLANT METHODS,2024,20(1)(Participating authors)
- Yang Huadong, Zhang Qing, Li Zhihui, Zhao Ruijie, Liu Xinbao, Chi Yingjun, Zhang Jing, Xu Bin.Molecular characterization of the cytokinin responsive type-B response regulators in perennial ryegrass highlights LpARR10 conferring salt tolerance via trans-activating SOS1 and SOS3,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2024,217:-(Participating authors)
- Lei Shanshan,Zhu Yaolong,Jia Weiyu,Zhang Jing,Chi Yingjun,Xu Bin.A protoplast-based transient gene expression assay for the identification of heat and oxidative stress-regulatory genes in perennial ryegrass,PLANT METHODS,2024,20(1)(Participating authors)
- 高粱苗期耐低磷能力的综合评价及代表性评价指标筛选,草地学报,2023,:18(Correspondence Author)
- Xing Jing, Yang Yuwei, Zhang Qing, Yin Tingchao, Zhao Ruijie, Hao Guan, Liu Xinbao, Chi Yingjun, Zhang Jing.A cytochrome P450 gene, LpCYP72A15, confers drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass,GRASS AND FORAGE SCIENCE,2023,:-(Participating authors)