- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- Effects of the dinitroaniline fungicide fluazinam on Fusarium fujikuroi and rice,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2018,152:98-105(参与作者)
- 侯毅平,曲香蒲,毛雪伟,匡静,段亚冰,宋修仕,王建新,陈长军,周明国.Resistance mechanism of Fusarium fujikuroi to phenamacril in the field,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2018,74(3):607-616(参与作者)
- 段亚冰,杨莹,王建新,陈长军,Steinberg, Gero,Fraaije, Bart A ,周明国.Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Benzimidazole-Resistant beta-Tubulin Variants of Botrytis cinerea using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification,PLANT DISEASE,2018,102(10):2016-2024(参与作者)
- 任维超,陶继庭,时东亚,陈稳产,陈长军.Involvement of a dihydrodipicolinate synthase gene (FaDHDPS1) in fungal development, pathogenesis and stress responses in Fusarium asiaticum,BMC MICROBIOLOGY,2018,18:-(通讯作者)
- 任维超,桑程巍,时东亚,宋修仕,周明国,陈长军.Ubiquitin-like activating enzymes BcAtg3 and BcAtg7 participate in development and pathogenesis of Botrytis cinerea,CURRENT GENETICS,2018,64(4):919-930(通讯作者)
- 任维超,刘娜,桑程巍,时东亚,周明国,陈长军,秦庆明,陈稳产.The Autophagy Gene BcATG8 Regulates the Vegetative Differentiation and Pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea,APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2018,84(11):-(通讯作者)
- 侯毅平,毛雪伟,曲香蒲,王建新,陈长军,周明国.Molecular and biological characterization of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistant to the anilinopyrimidine fungicide cyprodinil,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2018,146:80-89(参与作者)
- Molecular, biological and physiological characterizations of resistance to phenamacril in Fusarium graminearum,PLANT PATHOLOGY,2017,66(9):1404-1412(通讯作者)
- The septins FaCdc3 and FaCdc12 are required for cytokinesis and affect asexual and sexual development, lipid metabolism and virulence in Fusarium asiaticum,MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2017,18(9):1282-1294(通讯作者)
- Involvement of BcElp4 in vegetative development, various environmental stress response and virulence of Botrytis cinerea,MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY,2017,10(4):886-895(通讯作者)